
  • 网络Monday Morning
  1. 她总是轻松愉快,即使星期一早晨也是如此。

    She 's always bright and breezy , even first thing on a Monday morning .

  2. 在星期一早晨我们固定这由做次要网络服务器(企鹅)BOINC客户下载服务器。

    On Monday morning we fixed this by making the secondary web server ( penguin ) the BOINC client download server .

  3. 我讨厌星期一早晨。

    I hate Monday mornings .

  4. 不要在星期一早晨就想到星期六晚上。

    On Monday morning don 't be looking for Saturday night .

  5. 我能不能约你星期一早晨见面呢?

    Could I make an appointment with you for Monday morning ?

  6. 星期一早晨他总是脾气不好。

    He 's always in a bad temper on Monday mornings .

  7. 我要在星期一早晨给他看这些照片。

    I 'm going to show him the photos on Monday morning .

  8. 可以,没问题,星期一早晨可以送到。

    Yes , it can be delivered on Monday morning .

  9. 我将要嫁人,在星期一早晨。

    I 'm going to be married next Monday morning .

  10. 星期一早晨上班你不觉得有点累吗?

    Aren 't you feeling a little tired on a Monday morning ?

  11. 每星期一早晨,我在学校都会挨揍。

    I was hit every Monday morning at school .

  12. 在南方,人们正为星期一早晨上班准备。

    in the South , people preparing to go to work Monday morning .

  13. 星期一早晨去和法官谈吧。

    Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning .

  14. 我将在星期一早晨赶去。

    I 'll rush over on Monday morning .

  15. 星期一早晨,汤姆索亚很难受。

    Monday morning found Tom Sawyer miserable .

  16. 在星期一早晨前总是不见他的踪影。

    He always evaporated by Monday morning .

  17. 星期一早晨可以吗?

    Would Monday morning be all right ?

  18. 星期一早晨是紧张忙碌的时间。

    Monday morning is a hectic time .

  19. 但是,我能要求你多少?匹普先生?星期一早晨你能来和我散步吗?

    But could I ask you something , Mr Pip ? Would you come for a walk with me on Monday morning ?

  20. 那就意味着你可能在星期一早晨无意中进到休息室,就很可能会撞到你的下一个恋人。

    That means it 's quite possible you could stumble into the break room one Monday morning and stumble onto your next sweetheart .

  21. 星期一早晨,我穿上了那双绿色的厚底坡跟靴去上学。自从到爱迪生中学上学以来,今天还是我第一次穿这双靴子。

    On Monday morning I wore my green platform boots to school for the first time since I had started at Edison Middle School .

  22. 纽约市还没有表示,城市的运输系统星期一早晨上班时间是否会恢复正常运行。

    The city has not said yet whether the transit system will be up and running normally in time for Monday morning 's rush hour .

  23. 星期一早晨,科林克里维遭到袭击、现在像死人一样躺在病房里的消息,一下子传遍了学校。

    The news that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying as though dead in the hospital wing had spread through the entire school by Monday morning .

  24. 星期一早晨,在华尔街股市开盘90分钟之前和国会众议院计划投票表决的几个小时之前,布什总统走到电视摄像机前。

    The president went before television cameras shortly after dawn-90 minutes before the start of trading on Wall Street , and hours before a planned vote in the House of Representatives .

  25. 他说这个封信星期一早晨从他的垃圾箱中捡了回来,然后他看到一张便条包着一颗他认为是直径九毫米的子弹。

    He said the envelope was retrieved from his garbage can early Monday , and he saw there was a note wrapped around what he believes is a nine millimeter bullet .

  26. 布什指出,这是应对经济领域中一个非同寻常的问题的一个非同寻常的协议。星期一早晨,在华尔街股市开盘90分钟之前和国会众议院计划投票表决的几个小时之前,布什总统走到电视摄像机前。

    The president went before television cameras shortly after dawn - 90 minutes before the start of trading on Wall Street , and hours before a planned vote in the House of Representatives .

  27. 星期一早晨是股市预定重新开张的时候,尽管有许多股票经纪人失了踪,他们还是搬迁进来并准备投入工作。

    By Monday morning with the market set to reopen , they were moved in and ready to go in spite of the fact that most of their stock traders were among the missing .

  28. 据甘肃省民政厅消息,星期一早晨,中国西北甘肃省两县交界发生地震,已造成至少95人死亡。

    At least 95 people have been killed in an earthquake which hit a juncture region of two counties in northwest China 's Gansu Province Monday morning , according to the provincial civil affairs department .

  29. 每个星期一的早晨,学生们都穿着校服。

    Every Monday morning the students are all dressed in school uniforms .

  30. 最近,一个侦探盯上了一个穿着阔气的女人,她每个星期一的早晨都去走进一家大商场。

    A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday morning .