
xīng chǎng
  • star field;stellar field
星场[xīng chǎng]
  1. 拉威同样发现,在她将任务难度提高时,V5变得不那么活跃了,也就是说人们其实并不注意星场了。

    Lavie also discovered that as she made the task more difficult , V5 became less active , so that means that now people weren 't really noticing the star field at all .

  2. 实时星场模拟器中的坐标变换

    Coordinate Transformation in Real Time Star Field Simulator

  3. 当移动的星星被大脑认知后,一般V5区域会被刺激到,果然,拉威发现在这个任务进行中,V5区域是活跃的,因此人们是能感知到移动的星场的。

    Normally area of V5 would be stimulated as those moving stars are perceived and sure enough , Lavie found that during the task area of V5 was active , so people were aware of the moving star field .

  4. 这次的注意力分散方法是在背景上添置了一个移动的星场。看上去就像你在穿越太空,穿梭于星际一般。

    This time the distraction was a moving star field in the background , you know , where it looks like you are moving through space , passing stars .

  5. 上面看到的流星靠近地平线是明亮的大角星和星场,包括星座牧夫座和北冕座。

    Seen above the meteor near the horizon is bright star Arcturus and a star field that includes the constellations Bootes and Corona Borealis .