
  • 网络Die;DICE;KGD
  1. 基于机器视觉的晶圆裸片计数可用于提高半导体生产效率。

    Wafer die counting based on machine vision can be used to improve the efficiency of semiconductor manufacturing .

  2. 文章主要叙述了三线阵立体相机的工作原理,定标内容、目的以及CCD裸片像元检测和整机的相对定标和绝对定标过程。

    The camera working principle , calibration purpose , and content , nude chip detection , and the process of the relative and absolute calibration in the Laboratory are introduced .

  3. AD590可以裸片形式提供,适合受保护环境下的混合电路和快速温度测量。

    The AD590 is available in chip form making , it suitable for hybrid circuits and fast temperature measurements in protected environments .

  4. 目的建立非侵入式检测盐酸氨溴索片剂待压颗粒、裸片及铝塑包装片的方法。

    A near-infrared diffuse reflectance analysis method for the noninvasive quantitative analysis of ambroxol hydrochloride tablets ;

  5. 虽然没有经过最后封装,但是气敏裸片已经具备了气体传感器的各种基本特性。

    Though they have not been packaged , they have had the main characteristics of gas sensors .

  6. 最后依据形态学方法,确定连通域,滤除与晶圆圆边相连的残片,分割出完整的裸片并计数。

    Finally based on the mathematical morphology method , the connected domain can be found , filter pieces are connected to the side of wafer circle , segment the complete chip and counting .

  7. 裸花紫珠片在二氧化碳激光术后的应用

    Application of Beautyberry Pills after CO_2 laser Therapy

  8. 裸花紫珠片联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Clinical efficacy and safety of callicarpa nudiflora combining with adapalene 0.1 % gel for acne vulgaris

  9. 通过加热和过滤提纯的紫胶,常为橙色或黄色薄片,但有时也被漂白。裸花紫珠片联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Lac purified by heating and filtering ; usually in thin orange or yellow flakes but sometimes bleached white . Clinical efficacy and safety of callicarpa nudiflora combining with adapalene 0.1 % gel for acne vulgaris