
rù jiào
  • embrace a religion;become a follower/believer of a religion
入教 [rù jiào]
  • [profess] 通过核准申请入教者的誓言而正式接纳为一宗教团体的成员

  • 他十八岁就入教了

  1. 复活节时有三位年轻人入教。

    Three young people were received into the Church at Easter .

  2. 问题3:为什么初入教的不可做监督?

    Q.3 Why recent convert is not suitable to be overseer ?

  3. 不是入教,是入会。

    It 's not a cult , it 's a club .

  4. 新入教者正在被授以基督教教义的人。

    One who is being taught the principles of christianity .

  5. 引雅入教&地方戏曲资源向古代文学教学的渗透

    Directing the Elegance into Teaching & Local drama resources permeating ancient literature teaching

  6. 基督徒因试图劝说人们入教而被逮捕。

    Christians were arrested for trying to proselytize people .

  7. 他被准许入教。

    He has been received into the church .

  8. 那你是什么时候入教的?

    Since when are you into voodoo ?

  9. 近代基督教传入陕西及陕西农民入教原因探析

    Study on Spreading of Christianity and Causes of Peasants ′ Believing in it in Modern Shaanxi

  10. 初入教的不可作监督,恐怕他自高自大,就落在魔鬼所受的刑罚里。

    Not a novice , lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil .

  11. 佛教、道教没有严格的入教仪式,信教人数难以统计。

    It is difficult to count the number of Buddhist and Daoist believers , since there are no strict admittance rites .

  12. 除此以外,大多数基督徒还有额外的信仰,各个教派也可能有自己的入教标准,这一点上摩门教也一样。

    Beyond that , most Christians have additional beliefs and the denominations may set their own standards for membership , as indeed Mormons do .

  13. 西方的教会为了达到吸引民众入教从而能在中国立足和发展的目的,开始在苏州创办教会中学。

    The western churches began to establish church middle schools in Suzhou in order to attract the people and to achieve a foothold and development in China .

  14. 他们正从修道院的封闭圈内为专门登载色彩鲜明的图表和鼓舞人心的乐曲的开始页面提供着对精神世界的窥探、宗教历史和入教指南等内容。

    From the confines of cloisters , they are offering spiritual insight , religious history and vocational guidance on home pages featuring " illuminating graphics " and inspirational music .

  15. 宣誓入教宣誓加入某宗教组织或团体这象征着洗去原罪以及信徒的正式入会,或是象征着他们接收这一信仰的公开誓词。

    This symbolizes the washing away of original sin and the formal entry of the member into the Church or a public avowal of their acceptance of the faith .

  16. 第六章分析了信徒入教后的变化,指出了宗教具有社会整合、心理调节、社会慈善等方面的作用。

    The sixth chapter analyze the changes in the post-believers to convert and point out the integration of religion with social , psychological adjustment , social and other charitable role .

  17. 日后患者因被医愈或师父劝说等缘由入教,将原本的医病关系深化为师徒关系。

    The patients were often easy to attend the sects because they were cured very well or persuaded by the masters , and their healer-patient relation turned into master-believer relation deeply .

  18. 第四章从改革开放以来的社会环境变化的因素,以及信徒个体情况差异角度分析了信徒入教的原因。

    The fourth chapter analyze the reasons of the believers to convert , through the changing social environment factors from the reform and opening up , as well as individual followers differences .

  19. 穆斯林宗教应对方式在年龄、性别、文化程度这三个变量上存在显著性差异,而在入教时间和居住地这两个变量不存在显著性差异。

    There are significant differences on variables of religious coping style of Muslim , like age , gender and education , though no significant difference of time to a Muslim and living religion is found .

  20. 因为你们走遍洋海陆地,勾引一个人入教。既入了教,却使他作地狱之子,比你们还加倍。

    Woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites ! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte , and when he is made , ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves .

  21. 本文考察了1949年前天主教、新教在山西传入、传播的状况,剖析了传教士的传教手段、教徒的入教动机。

    This article inquires into the spreading course and the general situation of Catholicism and Protestantism in Shanxi before 1949 . It analyses the missionaries ' working way and the believers ' motive to join Catholicism , Protestantism too .

  22. 以兴办教育作为宣扬宗教、吸引中国人入教的手段,是教会和传教士们始终未曾改变的目标,教会中学正是在这个社会大背景下出现的。

    They set up education as a way of propagating religion and attracting Chinese people to join Christianity , which was the goal that the church and missionaries never changed . The church middle school appeared under such social background .

  23. 晚清入华新教传教士译业述评

    Comments on the Translations by Late Qing Protestant Missionaries

  24. 其作品《云南的歌会》被选入人教版八年级下册语文书。

    His work , Song of Yunnan elected to PEP eighth-grade language the next volume of the book .

  25. 纲后科教技巧己入入长教科互相交叉、互相渗入渗出、互相影响的时迟期。那一里反在盘算机科教范畴外示的尤其凸行。

    Now technology has got into times when many subjects are intersected , infiltrated and influenced with each other , especially in computer science .

  26. 由摩尼创立的一个第三世纪的二元论宗教,熔入了波斯教,基督教和佛教要素而形成一种主要新信仰。

    A third century dualistic religion , founded by Mani , who fused Persian , Christian , and Buddhist elements into a major new faith .

  27. 斯托纳拉斯在1989年入职雅典大学教经济学。他也是希腊智库“经济与产业研究基金会”(FoundationforEconomicandIndustrialResearch)的主席。

    He joined the University of Athens in 1989 , where he teaches economics , and he also chairs the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research , a Greek think tank .

  28. 护医合作PBL教学法在手术室新入科护士带教中的应用

    Application of Problem-based Learning with Cooperation of Teaching Nurses and Surgeons in Guiding New Nurses of Operation

  29. 笔者首先从纵向和横向两个方面剖析了百余年来福建新教教会医院发展之轨迹,并对入闽的新教六大差会所兴建的主要教会医院作了简明扼要的介绍。

    In the first place , the author explores the development track of the Protestant hospitals before liberation in Fujian from vertical and horizontal aspects . The author also gives a brief introduction about the major hospitals which were established by six Protestant Churches in Fujian .