
huǐ zuì
  • penance;show repentance;show penitence
悔罪 [huǐ zuì]
  • [show repentance] 悔恨自己的罪恶

悔罪[huǐ zuì]
  1. 悔罪者可得到赦免。

    Remission of sins is promised to those who repent .

  2. 他们一个个表示悔罪,苦苦地哀求饶命。

    They all appeared very penitent , and begged hard for their lives .

  3. 这个呀,船友们,就是真心诚意的悔罪;

    And here , shipmates , is true and faithful repentance ;

  4. 难道他们还不向真主悔罪,求得宽恕吗?

    Would they not rather repent to God and ask his forgiveness ?

  5. 悔罪虽好,无罪更佳

    " Repentance is good , but innocence is better "

  6. 她的宝贝孩子即将怀着悔罪和体贴的心回到她的身边。

    Her darling boy was to come back to her repentant and tender-hearted .

  7. 不过,如果犯了罪,那么请注意,千万要象约拿那样悔罪。

    but if you do , take heed to repent of it like Jonah .

  8. 认罪是悔罪的开端。

    Confession be the first step to repentance .

  9. 他似乎从来没有丝毫悔罪之意。

    He never seems to have been touched with the slightest remorse for his crimes .

  10. 悔罪并不能决定政治秩序。

    Contrition cannot define a political order .

  11. 教皇让他穿着悔罪服,赤着脚在堡外等候了三天。

    For three days the Pope kept him waiting , barefoot and in penitential garb .

  12. 那些以宗教悔罪为名而致力于恐怖活动的人。

    Those who , in the name of religious conviction , devote their lives to terrorism .

  13. 他似乎从来没有丝毫悔罪之意。短语提炼:

    Eg. He never seems to have been touched with the slightest remorse for his crimes .

  14. 怀着谦恭并悔罪的心情

    With a humble and contrite heart

  15. 犯罪行为人存在悔罪的表现,表明其人身危险性相对较低。

    The expression of regression shows that the criminal is less offensive and aggressive to the others .

  16. 之所以将忏悔作为悔罪的方法是与佛教的特性所决定的。

    Using the repentance as the method of purifying sins is determined by the characteristic of the Buddhism .

  17. 你的骄傲的祈祷已经获得允准。你的悔罪的祈祷也会被允准的。

    The prayer of your pride has been answered . The prayer of your repentance will be answered too .

  18. 不能将金钱作为交换条件,它只是衡量犯罪人悔罪的一个因索。

    The money can not be used to buy punishment . The compensation is only a factor that measure offenders ' repentance .

  19. 他们一个个表示悔罪,苦苦地哀求饶命。我为什么要辛辛苦苦地干一辈子呀!

    They all appeared very penitent , and begged hard for their lives . Why should I slave away all my life !

  20. 刑事损害赔偿可以作为犯罪人承担刑事责任的一种方式,或作为犯罪人的悔罪态度对其定罪量刑时作为从轻的情节。

    It can be a way for the criminal to bear the liability , or an element for being lenient towards the criminal .

  21. 对于他的判决,佩尔斯基表示,特纳平时是个积极向上的人,而且有悔罪表现,之前也没有犯罪记录,这些都是减罪因素。

    In his decision , he said positive character references and Turner 's remorse and lack of previous criminal record were mitigating factors .

  22. 他感到像一个痛悔过去的罪人,决心重新做人。属于或关于悔罪或忏悔的。

    C-is the first step to repentance . He felt like a sinner overcome with remorse and decided to turn over a new leaf .

  23. 过去,电视播出招供画面,悔罪者一旦得到释放,立刻翻脸不认账。

    In the past , televised confessions have been followed swiftly , as soon as the supposed penitent has been freed , by vehement repudiations .

  24. 忏悔的“贵族”“贵族”的忏悔&再论瞿秋白《多余的话》属于或关于悔罪或忏悔的。

    Repentant " Noble ", " Noble " Repentance & Re - Probe of A Superfluous Remark ; of or relating to penitence or penance .

  25. 犯罪既遂后主动悔罪,刑法规定减轻或免除处罚的国内外均有前例可供借鉴。

    Regret after accomplishment of potential damage , the provisions of Criminal law reduced or exempted from punishment at home and abroad have precedent for reference .

  26. 北方不但没有一丁点的“悔罪”表现,还坚持说应该道歉的是南方,因为他们暂时禁止了南方棒子们去金刚山驴游。

    Far from showing any hint of contrition , it insisted that an apology should come from the South for halting tourist visits to Mount Kumgang .

  27. 悔悟苦行,布赎一种用来表示悔罪或对过失错误的赎罪的自我惩罚或忏悔的行为违法行为错误的或非法的行为;

    repentance . An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing . A wrong or illegal deed ;

  28. 减刑假释权不仅仅是国家的刑罚执行权力,同时也是罪犯在认罪悔罪认真改造的前提下应当享有的一项权利。

    Sentence parole is not only the power of the country for executing criminal punishments , but also the right of the criminals during the reform .

  29. 她透露,艾维斯伯曼在1984年采访的史密森,拉马里索尔遭受自我悔罪行为的短暂时期内,在她青少年。

    As she revealed to Avis Berman in a1984 interview for Smithsonian , Marisol suffered self-inflicted acts of penance for a brief period in her early teens .

  30. 综上所述,建议在危险犯立法上增加一款主动悔罪条款,即:行为人主动排除危险状态的,应当减轻处罚。

    In conclusion , suggestions on increasing criminal confess terms , legislations : the behavior of getting rid of the dangerous state , be given a mitigated punishment .
