
  • 网络urban areas
  1. 扩大城市面积危害着野生物。

    The spread of urban areas endangers wildlife .

  2. 随着城市面积的不断扩大,城市污水量日益增加,高峰时水量远远超过了氧化塘所能承受的负荷。

    With the continuous expansion of urban areas , increasing the amount of , the peak of urban sewage far beyond the oxidation pond can bear the load .

  3. 夏延城市面积小也有帮助;路上来往的车辆更少,机动车是PM2.5的主要来源。

    Cheyenne 's small size may help ; fewer cars travel the roads , and vehicles are a key source of PM2.5 ( and ozone ) .

  4. 这个城市面积有10平方英里。

    The city covered ten square miles .

  5. 此时若是城市面积继续扩大,新建小区的供暖就是需要考虑的问题。

    If the area of the city continued to expand , the problem of heat-supply in new residential building must be considered .

  6. 50年前拉萨城市面积不足3平方公里,根本谈不上有现代意义上的城市建设。

    Fifty years ago , the area of Lhasa was less than 3 square km , and urban construction in modern sense was out of the question .

  7. 夜间平均温度等值线高值区随着城市面积不断扩张,杭州市西部和东部附近分别出现高值区。

    The isograms of average temperature in the night are expansion as the urban agglomeration does , appear a high-value area on the west and the east of Hangzhou .

  8. 在圈出了有一个城市面积大的土地上,古乃穆庄园主亲自驾车引领我们来参观他新修建中的度假庄园。

    In irised out had on urban area big land , ancient was the solemn manorial lord drives to eagerly anticipate us personally to visit him to construct to take vacation newly the manor .

  9. 由于城市面积扩大导致昆明的室内外气温均升高,其中室内气温升高幅度大于室外气温,干季大于雨季;

    With the expansion of the city , the indoor and the outdoor air temperature rise , the increase of the indoor temperature goes higher than that of the outdoors , the dry seasons exceeds the rainy seasons .

  10. 建成时,宫殿及其庭园比城市本身面积还要大。

    When built , the palace and its grounds were more extensive than the city itself .

  11. 该城市的面积为十五平方公里。

    The city covers an area of 15 square kilometers .

  12. 东湖是中国城市中面积最大的湖泊。

    The East Lake is the largest natural lake in Chinese cities .

  13. 从住区的可持续发展看我国城市住宅面积标准和小汽车进入家庭

    Living Space Standard of Chinese Urban Flat and Family Car in Living Community

  14. 这座城市的面积是15平方英里。

    The city covers fifteen square miles .

  15. 对建设城市大面积停电应急指挥技术支持系统的探讨

    Discussion on constructing technical support system for emergency operation command during wide outage of cities

  16. 贝尔市是贫穷的蓝领城市,面积仅有2平方英里。

    Bell is a poor working class city , of a little over 2 square miles .

  17. 城市住宅面积合理化探析

    The moderation of urban housing area

  18. 区域城市人口面积异速生长关系的分形几何模型对Nordbeck-Dutton城市体系异速生长关系的理论修正与发展

    Studies on the Fractal Geometric Model of Allometric Growth Relationships between Area and Population of Urban Systems

  19. 随着我国六大林业工程的全面启动以及城市绿化面积的增加,市场对苗木的需求量呈逐年上升趋势。

    Because of the expansion in city green areas , the demand for forest seeds has steadily increased .

  20. 因此,在增加城市绿地面积的同时需要发展自然群落在城市中的应用。

    So , it is necessary to develop the community of the nature when increasing the acreage of greenbelt of a city .

  21. 但是,随着我国城市绿地面积的增加,绿化灌溉用水与城市供水之间的矛盾日益突出。

    But irrigation water for turf is more and more incompatible with the water supply in cities as increases in green area .

  22. 经郑州市郑东新区城市水域面积实证分析,取得了实用性成果与结论。

    Through an empirical analysis made on the water area in Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou City , practicable result and conclusion are obtained .

  23. 重庆这座城市占地面积大概为3.1万平方英里,人口约在4900万左右,这使得城市规划者需要激发创造性思维来解决空间问题。

    Chongqing has a population of 49 million packed into 31000 square miles , causing urban planners to look creatively at solving space issues .

  24. 中国繁荣城市和面积广泛的内地之间持续增长的两极分化是“对社会稳定的严重威胁”图:环保局。

    The increasing split between China 's prosperous cities and its vast interior is a " serious threat to social stability " Photo : EPA .

  25. 屋顶花园(绿化)可以增加城市绿地面积,美化城市环境,改善人民的居住条件,提高生活质量。

    Roof garden is beneficial to adding the greening area , beautifying the environment , which helps to improve peoples living condition and better peoples living quality .

  26. 但随着城市硬化面积的不断增加,雨水径流给城市环境及生态治理等方面也带来了不少的负面影响。

    But as a result of the city hardening area unceasing increase , the rainwater runoff has also brought many negative influences on urban environment and ecological treatment .

  27. 为了提高城市绿化面积,应利用攀援植物对墙面、阳台、棚架、栅栏等进行绿化。

    In order to improve city greening area , vines may be made use of vertical greening on the wall and balcony or shed or railings in city proper .

  28. 中东铁路修筑后,沿线城市大面积崛起。在这种大背景下,一大批具有现代知识结构的东北新知识群体应运而生。

    Middle-east railway construction , urban area rise along in this major background , a large number of modern intellectual structures in the northeast of new knowledge groups have emerged .

  29. 湖南是一个农业大省,农村人口占到总人口的63.0%,农村聚居面积约为城市聚居面积的8倍。

    Hunan is a large agricultural province , its rural population accounts for 63.0 percent of the total population . The rural residential area is 8 times of that in urban .

  30. 建立城市大面积停电事故的应急处理机制和应急指挥技术支持系统势在必行。

    It is essential to build up an emergency handling mechanism to handle wide outage in the urban area , and a technical support system to coordinate operations in such circumstances .