
  • 网络city in the city;City Mall;City Center;KLCC;Intramuros
  1. 查看埃斯卡达间隙销售苏里亚吉隆坡城中城(批号G06)的折扣高达90%。

    Check out the Escada Clearance Sale at Suria KLCC ( Lot G06 ) for discounts up to90 % .

  2. 城市精神的提炼、阐释与创造&启东经济开发区城中城地块城市设计

    Abstraction , Explanation and Creation of City Spirit - Urban Design of Qidong Economic Development Zone

  3. 他把吉隆坡比作“伊斯兰世界的布伦特伍德”——后者是洛杉矶一块富庶的城中城。

    He likened Kuala Lumpur to " Islamic Brentwood , " the wealthy Los Angeles enclave .

  4. 回家前,根据小孩提议,到京华城中城看了一下海狮表演。

    Home before a child under the proposal to the city within a city look at Core Pacific-performing sea lions .

  5. “云中漫步”被设计成一个完备的城中城,而不是只作为一座巨大的办公楼。

    Rather than just being a supermassive office block , Cloud Citizen is designed to operate as a self-contained city-within-a-city .

  6. 但假使城中城抢走既有餐厅的生意,可能进一步戕害拉斯维加斯这个被无垠沙漠围绕,而一度死气沉沉的铁路止水带。

    But if it cannibalizes existing restaurants it could further wound this once-sleepy railroad watering stop beset by an immensity of sand .

  7. 文章通过时江苏启东经济开发区城中城项目的介绍,探讨了如何在城市设计过程中从背景要素提炼城市精神,进而通过三维空间手法完成城市精神的阐释和创造。

    Taking the urban design of Qidong Economic Development Zone as an example , this paper discusses how to abstract the city spirit from background elements during the course of urban design , furthermore , realize the explanation and creation of city spirit by the way of three-dimensional space .

  8. 还有城中之城;

    There are also cities within cities ;

  9. 所谓“人在城中,城在景中”,在我看来,构成城市的主体是人,创造美好生活的主体是人,享受美好生活的主体也是人。

    There is a saying that " people who live in cities create the urban landscape . " In my opinion , it is human beings that constitute cities , create a beautiful life and live it .

  10. 那杀人的要逃到这些城中的一座城,站在城门口,将他的事情说给城内的长老们听。

    When he flees to one of these cities , he is to stand in the entrance of the city gate and state his case before the elders of that city .