
As one of the most well-known masterpieces of American famous writer Pearl S. Buck , The House of Earth has been studied from various perspectives at home and abroad .
The Trilogy , with Wang Long , Wang Hu and Wang Yuan as the heroes , reminds us of the three stages or three states of human life : camel , lion and infant .
China 's Images in Pearl S. Buck 's The Good Earth
On the Proper Grasp of Humanity in the trio-logy of The Good Earth
The fifth chapter is about the intercultural communication strategy of her prize-winning works The House on the Earth .
Pearl S.Buck witnessed the reproductive culture in old China , which was vividly described in her The Good Earth trilogy .
In1938 , Pearl Buck 's trilogy The Good Earth describing miseries of the Chinese peasants won the Nobel Prize of Literature .
The thesis probe into Pearl s Buck 's trilogy this novel , and survey two big aspects from the topic contents and art style by particular visual angle .
Through a close observation and a profound understanding of the society and people , Pearl Buck portrays several generations of the Chinese people in The House on the Earth .
Characters of the Earth : A Strange Cycle and the Surpassing Way