
  1. 这8位都是历史前十级的球员,库里要到达他们的级别还有很长的一段路要走,但我觉得如果他生涯老化得顺利的话,他能成为历史第二控卫。

    All eight are consensus Top-10 players of all-time . Curry has a long way to go to reach these guys level , but I do think he can get \# 2 PG of all time if he ages well .

  2. 本文系国内首次报告二倍体型卫氏并殖吸虫染色体的C带多态性及三倍体型卫氏并殖吸虫具有C带多态性的同源染色体的多种组合。

    The polymorphism of c-band pattern in diploid and the combination of homologous chromosomes with c-band polymorphism in triploid were reported for the first time ( Figs . 1-4 ) .

  3. 因而认为三倍体型卫氏并殖吸虫是二倍体型卫氏并殖吸虫的同源三倍体。

    Thus the authors considered that the triploid type of P.westermani might be an autotriploid .

  4. 第二代人卫激光测距仪折轴发射系统的设计和调试

    The design and alignment of the Coude transmitting optics of the second-generation satellite laser ranging system

  5. 一是世卫组织能够协助易受灾害国家或脆弱国家加强防范能力,二是世卫组织后劲很足。

    WHO helps disaster-prone or fragile countries strengthen preparedness , and WHO has great staying power .

  6. 第二,世卫组织制定的决策、建议和行动是否与制药业有任何联系?

    And second , were WHO decisions , advice , and actions shaped in any way by ties with the pharmaceutical industry ?

  7. 另一位仅仅是一位初露锋芒,冉冉上升的丹佛掘金二年级双能卫新秀。

    The other is just starting out - a blossoming combo guard in his second season with the Denver Nuggets .

  8. 是的,这一地区二室一厅一卫的房子已涨到70万了。

    B : Yes , a house with two bedrooms , one living room and a bath in this area has cost seven hundred thousand yuan .

  9. 河北梆子进入第二个阶段「卫梆子」之后,形成了固定的唱腔体系,三个地区在一个体系下根据自身的条件继续发展。

    With the entrance into its second stage , i.e. " wei bangzi ", Hebei Bangzi consolidated its aria genre and the above three areas continued their developments under one genre with their own characters .