
  • 网络Integral;integral control
  1. 针对SPWM全桥逆变器中存在的直流偏磁现象,提出了数字PI电压积分调节方法。

    A digital PI voltage integral regulating method , as proposed in the paper is directed at overcoming the flux imbalance phenomena in the SPWM full-bridge inverter .

  2. 混合式蓄能循环的控制系统采用n阶等容惯性环节来描述其动态特性,在比例积分调节方式下,从个别环节控制入手,进而达到综合能量控制。

    N order Constant Capacity Inertial Links was used in the system to describe the dynamic performance of the refrigeration cycle . Aimed at a particular unit , the proportional integral control method was employed to achieve a comprehensive control of energy .

  3. 控制电路以比例积分调节器和精密固态压力传感器为核心,采用闭环反馈实时校正控制方法,较好地实现了控制目标。空间群PI;

    The PI adjustor and the accurate solid - state pressure sensor are the cores of the control circuit . The close-loop feedback real time adjusting control methods achieves the high control target .

  4. 该控制方法利用d-q变换将三相交流系统变换到旋转的正交坐标系,采用比例积分调节器控制有源电力滤波器的补偿电流,使其跟踪参考电流。

    By use of d-q transformation , in this control method a three phase AC system is transformed into rotating orthogonal coordinate system and under the transformed coordinate system the compensating current of active power filter is controlled by PI controller to make it trace the reference current .

  5. 基于接纳时间比控制和比例积分调节器的接纳控制机制

    Enforcing Admission Control Using Admission - Time - Ratio and PI Controller

  6. 403型气动比例积分调节器故障分析

    Malfunction Analysis of Type 403 Pneumatic Proportional Integral Regulator

  7. 最初的控制方式是按发电机端电压误差来实现的所谓比例调节和比例-微分-积分调节方式。

    Initial control mode was so-called proportion regulation and PID regulation which are implemented according to generator terminal voltage deviation .

  8. 用比例-积分调节器调节闭环系统的一种整定方法&比较法

    A Setting Method ( Comparision Method ) for the Regulation of a Closed Loop System by Use of a Proportional Integral Regulator

  9. 分析了403型气动比例积分调节器的结构和工作原理,并介绍了其常见故障及排除方法。

    By taking type 403 pneumatic proportional integral regulator as an example , the structure and working principle of instruments in this category were analyzed .

  10. 本文从现代控制理论出发,利用状态空间法,与积分调节相结合,提出了一个简单实用的控制算法。

    In this paper , based on the state space method of the modern control theory as well as the integral regulation , a simple and practical control algorithm was proposed .

  11. 提出了一种非线性方法设计高速公路入口匝道反馈控制器,非线性反馈控制器由高速公路交通流模型和比例积分调节器组成。

    A nonlinear approach is proposed for designing a feedback ramp controller in freeway . The nonlinear feedback controller is composed of a freeway traffic flow model and a proportional-plus-integral regulator .

  12. 叙述比例积分调节器在调速系统中的作用,介绍活套式拉丝机电控系统几个关键环节的调试。

    The article recounts the effect of PI regulator in the system of regulating speed , introduces the debugging steps of some key links in the electrically controlled system of dancing drawing machine .

  13. 其次,将后件参向量和积分调节因子融合组成新的参向量,提出一种基于参向量在线调整的变论域自适应模糊控制。

    Secondly , the original parameter vector and the integral regulation factor are blended together to form a new parameter vector , and an adjusted parameter vector-based variable universe adaptive fuzzy control is proposed .

  14. 重点介绍了其中自动位置控制系统的构成及其模糊控制器的设计方法,对传统的比例积分调节器和模糊控制器分别进行了理论分析和仿真研究,给出了现场运行结果。

    Especially to emphasize the structure of the automatic position control system and its fuzzy controller designing method . The theoretic analysis for PI regulator and the simulating study for FUZZY controller are respectively put forward . The practical operation results are also described .

  15. 针对H桥型单相功率因数校正(PFC)系统,提出了一种加入“零矢量”调制的电流无差拍控制及变速积分PID调节算法。

    The H-bridge single-phase Power Factor Corrector ( PFC ) is studied . The algorithm of dead-beat current control with the zero-vector is presented , and the proportional-integral-differential ( PID ) algorithm with the varying integrating rate is adopted in the design of the voltage regulator .

  16. 在数字信号微处理器控制采样周期等于交流电源周期的交流控制系统中,采用变速积分PI调节在系统带载情况下更易获得小超调、无振荡、无静差的控制性能指标。

    In the alternating current control system , using PI regulator of speed change integral can achieve the control performance index such as small overshoot , non-oscillating state , and no steady-state error on condition that control sampling period of DSP is equal to that of alternating current power .

  17. 多站比例积分式调节系统的调节过程

    Regulation Process of Proportion-Integral Control System with Many Stations in Tandem

  18. 比例积分微分调节在炉温调节系统中的应用

    The application of ratio integration and calculus regulation in furnace temperature

  19. 电动比例积分微分调节桤柏混交林种群生物量动态与密度调节

    Dynamics of population biomass and its density-density-dependent regulation in alder and cypress mixed forest

  20. 感应电机单神经元微分积分比例调节器

    Proportional Integral-Differential Controller with Single-Neuron PID Controller for Speed Tracking Control of Induction Motor

  21. 它利用参考信号与检测信号的差值积分来调节控制信号,消除平均电流的稳态误差,从而精确控制平均电流。

    It regulates the control voltage by using the integral value of error value between reference voltage and sense voltage to eliminate the steady error of the average current .

  22. 基于积分分离PID调节方法的直流发电机控制系统优化设计

    Optimization Design of DC Dynamo Control System Based on Integral Separation PID Adjustment

  23. 基于CPLD实现积分型自适应调节数字锁相环

    Self adapting integral DPLL based on CPLD

  24. 积分分离法调节器直流调速系统研究

    The Research for Integral Separation Regulator DC Speed Regulating System

  25. 通过对电流积分环节的调节作用,实现了电流直流分量的闭环控制,并提高了电路可靠性。

    The closed-loop control of the dc offset is realized by integrating the main current , and to improve the circuit 's reliability .

  26. 提出一种新的自适应PID(比例-积分-微分)调节器。

    A new adaptive PID regulator is presented in this paper .

  27. 采用离散化算法实现积分运算和PI调节器。

    Carrying out the integrals and PI regulator by discretization operation .

  28. 基于CPLD的线阵CCD光积分时间的自适应调节

    Automatic adjustment of the exposure time of linear CCD based on CPLD

  29. 与常规PID(比例-积分-微分)调节器相比,它具有适应性强和调节品质好等优点。

    The adaptability and regulating quality of the controller are better than those of the conventional PID regulator .

  30. 应用计算实例,对比例型、积分型和PID调节阀调节方式对调节效果影响进行的模拟分析。

    The effects of regulation by means of proportion , integral and PID regulators were simulated and analyzed on the basis of sample calculations .