
  • 网络journal of maize sciences
  1. 《玉米科学》杂志的质量控制与思考

    Quality Control and thoughts of the Journal of Maize Sciences

  2. 《玉米科学》主要文献计量指标及分析

    The Primary Literature Measure Index and Analysis of Maize Sciences

  3. 为吉林省发展甜玉米生产提供科学依据。

    Scientific basis was provide for production of sweet corn in Jilin province .

  4. 通过模糊综合评判和模糊聚类分析对糯玉米品种进行科学的综合评判及分析。

    Using fuzzy synthetical judgement and fuzzy , the variety of glutinous maize was analyzed .

  5. 夏玉米免耕播种科学的施肥方式是农民普遍关注的问题。

    The scientific fertilization pattern for maize zero tillage seeding has received more and more attentions from farmers .

  6. 为玉米生产的科学研究提供虚拟仿真实验平台,能够更好地进行玉米生产技术的研究,提高农业技术水平。

    Corn production for the virtual simulation platform for scientific research in order to better study of maize production technologies to improve agricultural technology .

  7. 为给夏玉米合理施肥提供科学依据,采用田间试验和土壤、植物诊断相结合的方法,研究不同氮钾肥配施对夏玉米产量和养分含量动态变化的影响。

    In order to provide scientific base of fertilization for maize , the method combining field trial and soil and plants ' diagnosis was applied to study the effects of N and K fertilizer application on its yield and nutrient dynamic changes .

  8. 如何将其修饰改性,使玉米粉能够像小麦粉一样,用于制做饺子、面条等主食品的生产,是当今玉米科学研究的重大科学技术问题。

    How to improve the food and processing quality of corn flour and to make it suitable for the production of noodles , dumplings and other foods , is the corn research major scientific technology .