
  1. 优质蛋白玉米育种研究进展

    Research Progress on Breeding of Quality Protein Maize

  2. 我国优质饲用玉米育种研究进展

    Progress in Forage Maize Breeding in China

  3. 青贮玉米育种研究进展

    The Advances of Breeding Silage Maize

  4. 玉米矮化育种研究进展及发展前景

    Review on Research of Maize Breeding for Dwarfness and Its Development Prospect

  5. 玉米抗旱育种的研究进展

    Progress in breeding for drought tolerance in maize

  6. 玉米抗病遗传育种的研究进展

    Advance in Genetics and Breeding of Resistance of Maize to Disease

  7. 单倍体技术在玉米育种上的应用研究进展

    Development in the Research of Technology of Haploid Breeding in Maize

  8. 生物新技术在甜玉米育种中的应用研究进展

    Proceeding of Biotechnology Application in Sweet Corn Breeding