
  • 网络Corn festival
  1. 玉米精量节肥防治面源污染高产栽培模式的研究

    Research on maize high-yielding culture mode with applying fertilizer in extractive quantity to control nonpoint-source pollution

  2. 重庆玉米高产节肥高效防治面源污染栽培技术研究

    Research on High-yield Culture Mode of Maize by Control of Nonpoint-source Pollution Through Applying Fertilizer Accurately

  3. 京津唐地区部分夏玉米品种节氮潜力的估算

    Estimation on Nitrogen Fertilizer Saving Potential of Some Summer Maize Hybrids in Beijing-tianjin-tangshan Area of China

  4. 其中,玉米叶片、茎节、雄穗、雌穗和根系的三维形态是由基于器官形态结构主要特征而构建的参数化的几何模型来描述的。

    Three-dimensional morphological structures of leaf , stem , tassel , ear , and root system were described by parameterized geometrical models based on organ morphological structural characteristics .

  5. 结果表明,该害虫主要在玉米秸的穗节处越冬,在垂直方向和水平方向的空间格局均为聚集分布,这种聚集主要由环境因素引起。

    The results showed that the pest hibernates mostly in ear joint of corn and its spatial pattern belonged to the aggregated distribution both in vertical and horizontal direction . The aggregation was caused by the environmental factors .