
  1. 对普通高校大学生艺术团建设的几点思考

    On the Organization of University Art Groups

  2. 大学生艺术团的现状和管理策略

    Management and development of academician art group

  3. 并重点论述了华中师范大学大学生艺术团的在校园文化育人中的作用。

    Focuses on the role of the Students Art Troupe of the Central China Normal University campus cultural education among .

  4. 目前,我国高等教育中的大学生艺术团,在实现人的生存和全面发展教育中发挥着重要作用。

    Today , university student art troupe plays a key role in terms of achieving existence of humanity and overall developing education in higher education of China .

  5. 绪论主要概述了我国工科院校大学生艺术团的研究现状及本文研究的理论价值和现实意义,为第一章。

    Introduction , the chapter one , mainly outlines the current study situation of art troupes in engineering colleges , the theoretical value and its practical significance of the present study .

  6. 绪论主要概述普通高校大学生艺术团研究的背景,现状等问题的理论价值和现实意义。

    In the introduction , I summarize the background and current situations of the college student art troupes and try to gain their theoretical value and practical significance . There are also three parts in the main body .

  7. 本文通过对我国高校大学生艺术团的选点调查和分析,提出大学生艺术团通过怡情、启智和育德,在素质教育中、在大学生全面培养中起到极为重要的补充作用。

    This article have done relevant survey among several university student art troupes in China and points out that art troupes plays a key role on cultivating university students through emotion learning , intelligence training and morality cultivation in education for all-round development .