
  • 网络maritime university;Shanghai Maritime University
  1. SoC单片机在主机遥控仿真系统中的应用根据本文设计的船舶主机遥控仿真系统将运用在上海海事大学轮机自动化实验室,将在教师的教学和学生的培训中发挥重要的作用。

    A Design of SoC-based Remote Control Simulation System of Marine Main Engines All of this buildup the remote control simulation of marine main engine using in the lab of engineering automation at Shanghai Maritime University for teachers and students .

  2. 针对这种情况,上海海事大学OLAP课题组提出了多维联机数据分析(MOLDA)模型,该模型能与各种各样的业务数据库连接,并能自由的扩充分析方法。

    For this situation , the OLAP research group of Shanghai Maritime University proposed a new OLAP model : Multi-Dimensional Online Data Analysis Model , which can connect to various kinds of Databases .

  3. 利用大连海事大学航海技术研究所提供的船舶操纵模拟器开发平台,采用Visualc++编程语言实现环境压力模型,在模拟器上实现环境压力的实时动态显示功能。

    Realize the Environmental Stress Model in the ship handling simulator to dynamically and timely display the Environmental Stress Value when simulation starts with the language of Microsoft Visual C + + ;

  4. 本文以海事大学OA系统的建设为背景,介绍了办公自动化的含义及其在国内的发展状况。

    This paper introduces what is OA and it 's internal development and the background of constructing Dalian Maritime University OAS .

  5. 依据大连海事大学校长办公室综合科的业务需求,我们建立了基于Intranet的校长综合查询及统计分析系统(PISS)。

    According to the business requirement of our university president office , we built President Integrative query and Statistical analysis System ( PISS ) based on Intranet , the system can offer integrative information and assistant decision-making .

  6. 文章利用改进的Apriori算法对上海海事大学的教育信息数据库进行了挖掘,从中发现了一些有价值的规则,为学校的教育决策和教学管理提供了有指导意义的信息。

    This paper mined the student information database of Shanghai Marine University by using an improved Apriori algorithm , and found some valuable rules , which provided the university some educational information in education decision and management .

  7. 本文系统地论述了大连海事大学航海技术研究所研制的大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台接口电路系统的结构、设计与实现,以及控制台实现USB通信的部分工作。

    This article has systematically discussed structure and design of bridge console of large scale shiphandling simulator developed by the Nautical Science and Technology Institute of DaLian Maritime University , especially about its interface circuit , and part work of realization of USB communication in bridge console .

  8. 大连海事大学毕业生质量跟踪调查报告(摘登)

    Findings Report on the Graduates Quality of Dalian Maritime University ;

  9. 本课题来源于大连海事大学的锅炉房改建工程。

    This paper based on the boiler rebuild project of DaLian Maritime University .

  10. 上海海事大学信息工程学院

    College of Information Engineering , Shanghai Maritime University

  11. 本文旨在讨论大连海事大学航海英语阅读教程中的词汇问题。

    The aim of the thesis is to discuss DMU nautical English reading textbook vocabulary .

  12. 本课题来源于大连海事大学与大连周水子国际机场合作的项目。

    This subject comes from the project developed by Dalian Maritime University and Dalian International Airport .

  13. 天然气三联供系统在上海海事大学新校区推行的探讨

    Discuss on the Application for the Natural Gas Driven CCHP in the New District of Shanghai Maritime University

  14. 论文旨在分析和研究大连海事大学海事英语教学和国际海事组织海事英语示范课程的特点。

    This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics of DMU Maritime English teaching and IMO 's Maritime English MODEL Course .

  15. 来自大连海事大学,练习长笛已有两年多,爱好古典音乐,乒乓球。

    From Dalian maritime affairs university , studied flute for more than two years and like classic music , table-tennis ball .

  16. 该船舶缩尺模型于2009年7月13日在大连海事大学心海湖进行了水上实验,成功实现了对航向的控制,符合设计要求。

    The scale model ship succeeded being tested in Heart Sea Lake of Dalian Maritime University on July 13th , 2009 .

  17. 在上海海事大学主机实验室的4135柴油机上进行的基于无线通信的监测系统实验更加验证了方案的可行性。

    Besides , the experiment carried on a 4135 diesel engine proves the practicability of the monitoring system based on GPRS mentioned above .

  18. 为了研究船舶电力推进系统,大连海事大学建立了吊舱式船舶电力推进系统实验室。

    In order to study the ship electric propulsion system , Dalian Maritime University is building the laboratory of ship electric propulsion system .

  19. 谁知到今年上海海事大学(专科)多少分,(北京的考生)?

    Who knows Shanghai is maritime this year university ( specialized subject ) how many minutes , ( the examinee of Beijing ) ?

  20. 在两点原则的指导下,作者在大连海事大学外语学院的英语专业学生中开展了一项实例研究。

    With guidance of these two findings , the author has made an exemplificative study among English-majors in Dalian Maritime University ( DMU ) .

  21. 大连海事大学历史悠久,其前身可追溯到1909年晚清邮传部上海高等实业学堂(南洋公学)船政科。

    The long history of the University can be traced back to 1909 , when the Nanyang Institute in Shanghai established a Shipping Management Section .

  22. 本课题的研究内容是大连海事大学导航研究所承担的国家支撑计划课题AIS/GNSS船载导航设备关键技术与系统研制(2012BAH36B02)的一部分。

    This research is part of a nation-supported program " Key technology and system development of AIS / GNSS shipborne navigation equipment " of Dalian maritime university .

  23. 这位女生名叫吴迅,是上海海事大学商船学院轮机工程专业唯一一名女生。

    The girl , named Wu Xun , is the only female student among all her classmates majoring in marine engineering at Shanghai 's Merchant Marine College .

  24. 然而,对于大连海事大学的航海技术、轮机管理专业的学生来说,他们需要在专业范围内更进一步学习英语。

    However , for students majoring in Navigation and Marine Engineering in DMU , they have to further their English studies in specialty for their future occupation and education .

  25. 大连海事大学(原大连海运学院)是中国著名的高等航海学府,是交通部所属的全国重点大学,是被国际海事组织认定的世界!

    Dalign Information Maritime University ( DMU ) is one of the largest and best maritime universities . It is a key maritime institution under the Ministry of Communications .

  26. 结合上海海事大学的硬件设施和教学情况,建立辅助教学平台显得尤为重要和迫切。

    In view of hardware establishment and school activities in Shanghai Maritime University , It becomes very urgent to establish assistant teaching platform combining with the condition of our own campus .

  27. 实践经历1、大学阶段曾任职于大连海事大学经济与管理学院学生会外联部,具有很强的组织能力和社交能力。

    Practice experience , the university has1 in dalian maritime university institute of economics and management , student outreach , have strong organizational skills and the ability to relate to others .

  28. 本课题来源于大连海事大学211工程轮机工程实验室的二期建设项目。

    The topic of this dissertation is one of the sub-projects of phase II construction of the marine engineering laboratory , which is one of the 211 projects of Dalian Maritime University .

  29. 本文以大连海事大学为应用对象,利用虚拟现实技术、地理信息系统技术研究虚拟校园漫游及信息显示系统。

    This paper took Dalian Maritime University as the application object , and used virtual reality technology , geographic information system to make a research on virtual campus roaming and information display system .

  30. 本研究选取了20名大连海事大学航海专业大一新生作为研究对象,分成两组,每组10人,布置写作任务,并进行前测。

    The twenty freshmen whose major is navigation in Dalian Maritime University were selected as the subjects . They were divided into an experimental group and a control group . Each group has ten people .