- 网络chart work

It is able to achieve planned route , the route monitoring , complete chart work , automatically record data , etc. , greatly improving the navigation automation .
With the help of this system , students can connect to the intranet or the Internet using personal computers at any time to finish self-training in lots of subjects such as ship maneuver , Radar / ARPA , ECDIS .
Multi-Objective Information Processing and Research of Plotting Method on Plotting Charts Units
Views on Developing the ECDIS and Electronic Fixing Simulator
Chart Course Plotter System has been developed systemically , Inspection and testing of Part function modules has been completed . Now , the device is running well and the expected goal has been achieved .
With AIS receiver and electronic chart , the system affords many functions such as displaying charts , helping with charts business and monitoring ships , track designing , charts are merged with no slots , several sites watching one moving ship , warning report automatically , and so on .