
lún jī
  • turbine;engine;motorship engine
轮机 [lún jī]
  • (1) [turbine]∶汽轮机、燃气轮机和水轮机等的统称

  • (2) [motorship engine;engine]∶轮船的发动机

轮机[lún jī]
  1. 基于WINDOWS的微型燃气轮机实时智能监控系统

    Windows Based Real-time Intelligent Monitoring System for Micro Gas Turbine

  2. PLC在Taurus60燃气轮机滑油系统中的应用

    PLC in Taurus 60 gas turbine slipping oil system

  3. 在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。

    The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship .

  4. 如何从INTERNET上获取轮机工程专业信息

    How to Get the Marine Engineering Information from Internet

  5. 基于Matlab的燃气轮机热参数故障诊断的标准数学模型建立

    Establishment of Standard Mathematical Model of Gas Turbine Fault Diagnosis about Heat Parameter Based on Matlab

  6. 大型燃气轮机电站对LNG接收站冷能的利用

    Utilization of LNG Cold Potential in Large Scale Gas Turbine Power Plant

  7. 湿空气透平(HumidAirTurbine,简称HAT)循环是新型燃气轮机循环的重要研究发展方向之一。

    Humid Air Turbine ( HAT ) cycle is an important research direction of new advanced gas turbine cycle .

  8. 当MAKE用作使役动词时,形容词作宾语补足语在轮机英语中的使用频率最高,其次是名词和动词。

    When MAKE is used as a causative verb , with regard to its object complements , adjective complements occur most frequently in MEE , followed by noun complements and verb complements .

  9. 应用ANSYS有限元软件对一个小型燃气轮机向心涡轮的叶轮模态进行了数值分析。

    Based upon the general FEA platform ANSYS , the numerical results of the modal analysis of a radial inflow turbine impeller are presented .

  10. 用于IGCC的燃气轮机技术方案与性能预测

    Technical scheme and performance prediction for the gas turbine adopted in IGCC

  11. 液化天然气(LNG)冷能用于冷却发电燃气轮机进气的分析

    The Analysis of Gas Turbine Generating Unit Inlet Air Cooling Based on The Liquefied Nature Gas ( LNG ) Chill

  12. IGCC中燃气轮机全工况网络特性

    Study on general performance in fully operating regions for gas turbine in IGCC

  13. 低耗散TVD格式及叶轮机内低马赫数流动模拟

    Low Diffusion TVD Schemes and Simulation of Low Mach Number Flow in Turbomachinery

  14. MSCIS(MarineSimulation&ControlInterfaceSystem)是为现代船舶轮机仿真训练器开发研制的一套分布式智能输入/输出接口控制系统。

    MSCIS ( Marine Simulation & Control Interface System ) is a set of distributed intelligent Input / Output interface control system developed for the modern marine engine simulator .

  15. 在同样的透平进口温度下,HAT循环同简单燃气轮机循环比较,效率有大幅提高,出力增加;

    Compared to the simple gas turbine cycle , the efficiency of the HAT cycle is higher , and the output power is also increased ;

  16. 内部的的CAV燃气轮机是专为最大的舒适度。

    The interior of the CAV GT is designed for maximum comfort .

  17. 此外,对于示范工程产出气,提出了燃轮机发电、CO2气体提纯和CO2直接回注三种处理方案。

    Furthermore , according to the component of produced gas , this thesis designs three processing schemes : gas turbine plant , purification of CO2 and CO2 cycling .

  18. 基于Kohonen神经网络的燃气轮机故障诊断

    Kohonen Neural Network-based Gas Turbine Fault Diagnosis

  19. YL型烟气轮机台架试验方法的改进

    Improvement on the test method of YL-type gas expander on the tes t-platfrom

  20. 本文采用八节点等参单元对叶轮机内S1流面流场进行了变分有限元分析。

    Employing cotal nodal point isoparametric unit , the finite element variation analysis of s1 surface flow field of turbomachines is held .

  21. 在高温季节,还可以利用LNG冷能冷却燃气轮机的进口空气,以增加电厂出力。

    The cold energy of LNG can also be used to cool the inlet air of gas turbine to increase the output of electric power during warm seasons .

  22. 同时,本文根据威尔逊法及修正威尔逊法,确定了空管和内置液轮机时换热管给热系数关联式中的C、P值。

    At the same time , using the method of Wilson , this paper confirm the value of C and P of the relating equation of the convection heat transfer coefficient in the heat exchanger tube with miniature hydraulic turbine and without insert .

  23. 针对实际工作中,燃气轮机发电厂NOx排放情况,就燃气轮机发电厂执行大气污染物排放标准问题进行了讨论。

    In accordance with circumstances of NOx discharge in gas turbine power plant , as for the gas turbine power plant execute standard of atmospherical pollutant discharge to discussing .

  24. 简要介绍了美国太平洋西北实验室贝特尔研究所新开发研究的一种技术&用燃气轮机联合循环改造核电站的TD循环。

    This article introduces a new technology developed by US & to retrofit the TD cycle in nuclear power station by gas turbine combined cycle .

  25. 燃气轮机STIG化的研究

    A Study of the Extensive Utilization and Adaptation of STIG Cycle in Gas Turbines

  26. 这篇论文旨在研究和分析让步状语从句在轮机英语(MEE)中的应用及其特点。

    This thesis is devoted to the corpus-based study on Concessive Adverbial Clauses in Maritime Engineering English ( MEE ) .

  27. 论文将船舶系统划分为航海部门、船舶运动模型、轮机系统和控制系统四个部分,进而建立了船舶四自由度运动数学模型、汽轮机数学模型、并设计了基于PID控制方法的控制系统数学模型。

    They are sail department , ship motion model , turbine system and control system . Furthermore , it establishes the four-degree-of-freedom ship motion model , the mathematical model of steam turbine and designs the control system based on PID method .

  28. WMS-1型远洋船舶轮机仿真训练器的I/O接口系统

    The Input / output Interface System of WMS-1 Marine Engine Room Training Simulator

  29. 基于燃气轮机高温温度测量与控制,研制了一种燃气轮机专用高温温度传感器。阐述了SiC高温温度传感器的工作原理、结构特点和工艺过程,介绍了传感器系统的结构。

    High temperature sensor for the gas turbine special purpose is designed to measure and control the temperature of the gas turbine . Then the working principles , structure and the technology process of this kind of sensor and its system are introduced .

  30. DG包括内燃机、微型燃气轮机、燃料电池、太阳能发电的光伏电池和风力发电等,其容量一般为数千瓦到几十兆瓦。

    Distributed generation including internal combustion engines , micro-turbines , fuel cells , solar photovoltaic cells and wind power , and so on , the capacity of them are about a few dozen kilowatts to megawatts .