
xiá shuǐ dào
  • narrow channel
  1. 狭水道内大型船舶操纵安全评价方法

    The Safety assessment of ship manoeuvring in narrow channel

  2. 然而狭水道操纵安全理论还没有充分的确立。

    However , the narrow channel manoeuvre safety theory is not yet in full shape .

  3. GPS导航仪在狭水道航行中的定位精度分析

    Inaccuracy Analysis of GPS Position to Sailing on the Narrow Channels

  4. 海轮在狭水道中的安全航行探讨

    Discussing Safety Navigation of Sea-going Vessels in the Narrow Channels

  5. 狭水道中细长体水动力系数的计算

    Calculation of hydrodynamic coefficients of slender body in narrow channels

  6. 狭水道随动操舵系统设计方案的探讨

    IA Follow-up Steering System for Narrow Channels

  7. 给出了关于狭水道中船舶水动力系数的一种计算方法。

    This paper deals with the method to compute hydrodynamic coefficients of slender body in narrow channels .

  8. 如何有效提高狭水道操纵安全水平一直是海运界思考的问题。

    Therefore , how to improve narrow channel manoeuver safety is always a hotly discussed question in the navigation circles .

  9. 12点20分由于天气不好/海况差/有雾/能见度差/狭水道航行而待机备车。

    20 St. by eng. due to bad weather / rough sea / fog / poor visibility / sailing in narrow waterway .

  10. 从事捕鱼的船舶,不应妨碍在狭水道或航道以内航行的任何其他船舶的通行。

    A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway .

  11. 海上浮式储油轮狭水道拖航的可行性论证超大型浮式生产储油轮货油舱脚手架设计新思路

    The Feasibility Demonstration and Actual Operation of Towing for Dead Ultra Large vessel in narrow channel The new idea of scaffold design for FPSO cargo oil tank

  12. 本文针对目前这种状况从安全评价的角度,应用可拓物元和模糊数学评价的方法对狭水道操纵安全进行评价。

    Regarding this situation , the author here is trying to apply matter-element assessment method and fuzzy mathematical comprehensive assessment method to assess narrow channel manoeuver safety .

  13. 在分析狭水道船舶碰撞事故的发生和避碰行为的基础上,应用模糊集理论,提出了船舶在狭水道航行的碰撞危险性评价模型。

    On the basis of analysis of Ship 's collision accident and anti collision actions , an evaluation model is presented for ship 's collision risk in narrow channel by applying fuzzy mathematics theory .

  14. 船舶沿狭水道或航道行驶时,只要安全可行,应尽量靠近本船右舷的该水道或航道的外缘行驶。

    A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable .

  15. 通过建立狭水道航行船舶搁浅危险性定量分析的数学方法,提出了基于大型船舶操纵模拟系统的狭水道航行船舶搁浅危险性评价模型。

    By setting up a mathematical method for quantitative analysis of ship grounding risk in narrow channel , a assessment model of ship grounding risk in narrow channel , which is based on ship 's maneuvering simulator , is presented in the paper .

  16. 该模型能实时、连续地评价航行于狭水道等受限水域船舶的搁浅危险性,是一种对航海模拟训练评价的较客观、科学的方法。

    With this model , the assessment of ship grounding risk in narrow channel or restricted water areas can be carried out continuously and in real time . This method is a scientific and objective one for the assessment of marine simulation training .

  17. 尽管现代航海设备的可靠性和航海技术水平越来越高,在狭水道还是频繁发生海事,使人们对船上的生命、财产、环境构成了极大的危害。

    So even the shipping facilities are highly advanced and the technology of navigation is greatly developed , there are still many maritime disasters happening in those narrow channels which bring great danger to people 's life and cargo on board and also cause pollution to the ocean .