
  • 网络wheel-rail interaction;interaction between wheel and rail
  1. 轮轨相互作用遵从赫兹非线性弹性接触理论。

    The interaction between wheel and rail conforms to the Hertzian nonlinear elastic contact theory .

  2. 分析车轮以不同速度行驶过程中,受轨道低接头不平顺激励下轮轨相互作用垂向振动响应。

    And when wheels were running at homogeneous speed , vertical vibration response of interaction between wheel and rail under excitation of dipped joint signal was outputted .

  3. 本文综述了国内外铁路重载运输的发展现状,简要阐述了轮轨相互作用的研究进展。

    Briefly expounds on the development of wheel / rail interaction .

  4. 轮轨相互作用(轮轨关系)研究和铁路现代化

    Studies on the Interaction of Wheel / Rail and Modernization of Railway

  5. 几种道岔病害对轮轨相互作用的影响

    Effect of several turnout diseases to wheel / rail interaction

  6. 因此,在加大轴重的同时需要降低轮轨相互作用,研究重点是改进车辆转向架结构以降低轮轨间的相互作用。

    Therefore , wheel / rail interaction needs reducing while increasing axle load .

  7. 但是,道岔区轮轨相互作用远大于一般区间线路,且在高速状态下,这种动态相互作用尤为激烈。

    However , the wheel-rail interaction in turnout area is much greater than the general line , particularly with high speed train .

  8. 运用轮轨相互作用原理,研究轮轨磨耗伤损的机理。

    Based on the principle of wheel-rail interaction , the mechanism of the abrasive wear damage of wheels and rails is studied .

  9. 对车轮匀速行驶过程中,在轨道接头压陷激励下轮轨相互作用产生垂向振动响应作了分析。

    When wheels are running at homogeneous speed , vertical vibration response of the system under excitation due to depressed track joint is investigated .

  10. 结果表明:对曲线地段轨道结构横向刚度进行合理取值,能有效地降低轮轨相互作用以及延缓钢轨磨损。

    The result indicates that the wheel / rail interaction shall be improved and rail wears be alleviated by selecting rational parameter of curved track .

  11. 根据轨道结构轮轨相互作用特点,建立了冲击荷载作用下轨道结构横向振动简化模型。

    According to the characteristic of wheel / rail interaction in the railway tracks , this papaer establishes a simple lateral track model under lateral shock force .

  12. 研究了副构架自导向径向转向架直线稳定性,平稳性,通过局部不平顺的安全性及轮轨相互作用等动力学特性;

    The dynamic behavior of radial bogie such as lateral stability , ride quality , security on the partial inequality track and interacting between wheel / rail are researched .

  13. 将考虑轮轨相互作用模型与未考虑轮轨相互作用模型在响应的均值和标准差上做了比较,最后讨论了车速对车桥耦合系统的随机响应的影响。

    Mean values and standard deviations of the responses have been compared between two spatial models . The effect of speed alteration on train-bridge coupling system has been discussed .

  14. 轮缘磨耗主要是轮轨相互作用的结果,而踏面上的凹槽磨耗可能主要由闸瓦制动引起。

    The wheel flange wear is caused by the flange action of the wheel and rail , whereas the double-groove wear on tread may be mainly caused by the break shoe .

  15. 结果表明,一系悬挂刚度对轮轨相互作用有较大影响,二系悬挂刚度对轮轨相互作用影响不大。

    The result shows that the rigidity of the primary suspension has fairly great effect on the wheel / rail interaction , while the rigidity of the secondary suspension has little effect .

  16. 本文在大量的文献调研基础上,以桥上支承块承轨台轨道结构为主要研究对象,从系统的观念出发,综合考虑轮轨相互作用与桥轨相互作用,对其动力特性进行研究。

    Based on comprehensive investigation and documents , the paper takes the supporting block track as research object , researching its dynamic characteristic from ideas of systemic and an overall consideration of wheel-rail , tract-bridge interaction .

  17. 根据城市轨道交通轮轨相互作用特点,以小半径曲线为研究对象,建立了冲击荷载作用下轨道结构横向振动简化模型。

    According to the characteristic of wheel / rail interaction in urban rail transit , this paper takes the curved tracks with small radius as an object , and establishes a simple lateral track model under lateral shock force .

  18. 轨道刚度是影响轨道结构振动和动态传递特性的关键因素,也是影响轮轨相互作用和列车运行品质的重要因素,直接决定了轨道的养护维修工作量。

    Track stiffness is the key factor affecting track structure vibration and the transmission of dynamic characteristic , and it is the important factor influencing wheel / rail dynamic interaction and train running quality , governing the maintenance workload of the track .

  19. 计算结果表明,当列车通过悬空轨枕时轮轨相互作用增大,其中轨枕的竖向位移及加速度增长最明显,且随着悬空轨枕的根数增加,动力响应增长越明显;

    The calculation results show that when a train passes the voided sleepers the wheel and rail interactions increase , the vertical displacement and vertical acceleration of sleepers increase obviously , and the more sleepers are voided the increase is more obvious ;

  20. 根据随机振动基本理论,建立了轮轨相互作用模型,分析列车速度提高后,轨道不平顺谱、轨道刚度等参数对轮轨附加动荷载的影响。

    This paper presents mainly the vertical wheel / track dynamic overloads on varying track state . On the basis of random vibration theory and leading into track irregularity power spectrum density , a model of wheel / track interaction is established .

  21. 本文就因轮轨相互作用而引起的列车脱轨事故进行了分析,针对我国车辆及工务的一些实际情况,提出了设计、运用等方面的几点建议及防止列车脱轨事故的措施。

    This paper makes an analysis on the derailment accidents caused by wheel / rail interaction , puts forward several proposals concern - ing design and operation according to practical con - ditions of railway cars and permanent way and points out measures for preventing the same acci - dent .

  22. 轮轨的相互作用实际上是反复载荷作用下的接触问题。

    The wheel / rail interaction is actually a contact problem subjected to repeated loads .

  23. 那么,由轮轨动态相互作用引起的机车车辆和轨道结构的疲劳问题就显得更为突出。

    Then , the fatigue issues of locomotive and track structure which are resulted from the interaction will become more prominent than ever before .

  24. 相比传统线路线形研究方法,动力学方法能够准确揭示高速行车下车辆动力响应和轮轨动力相互作用的规律。

    Compared with the traditional line research methods , dynamics method can accurately reveal dynamic response and the wheel / rail dynamic interaction between the wheel and the rail under the high-speed running .

  25. 随着列车的运行速度不断提高,轮轨动态相互作用越来越强,因此,设计低动力作用机车转向架是机车设计中的关键之一。

    With the increase of train speeds , wheel-rail interaction of will unavoidably be reinforced . So , in the process of locomotive designment , it is the key point and aim to develop low dynamic bogie .

  26. 考虑系统中干摩擦力和轮轨相互碰撞作用等非线性因素,建立了3个自由度的货车转向架非线性横向振动数学模型。

    Taking some nonlinear factors such as dry friction and wheel-rail impact into consideration , a mathematical model of nonlinear hunting vibrations of the truck is established for a truck of railway freight car with 3 degree freedom .

  27. 利用车辆-道岔系统空间耦合振动模型[1],以尖轨与基本轨不密贴、固定式辙叉不同磨耗以及间隔铁失效为例,本文模拟计算了它们对轮轨系统相互作用的影响情况。

    By using a spatial coupling vehicle turnout system model , the effect of diseases such as the incomplete closing of tongue rail , frog wear and interval iron losing efficacy to the wheel / rail system interaction is simulated .

  28. 铁路运输方式区别于其他运输方式的特点是轮轨动态相互作用。轮轨之间的相互动力作用,以轮轨接触点为分界面,向上传递给机车车辆,向下施加于轨道结构。

    Difference between rail transport mode and other modes is the dynamic interaction between wheel and rail , which upward transfers to the locomotive and down imposes on the track structure , and the wheel-rail contact point is regarded as its interface .

  29. 轮轨垂直相互动力作用及其动力响应

    Wheel / track vertical dynamic action and responses

  30. 因此,合理地设计车辆与轨道各参数有利于降低轮轨间相互动力作用。

    Therefore , a reasonable set of vehicle parameters and track parameters help to reduce the vertical dynamic between the wheel and rail .