
  • 网络tire rotation;Rotate tires
  1. 另一项必须掌握的技巧是轮胎换位,它能够减少轮胎的磨损并延长其使用寿命。

    Another skill you should acquire is the tire rotation , which can reduce the wear of the tire and extend its serviceable life .

  2. 轮胎换位是个好习惯,因为这样能让驾车者增加轮胎的行驶里程。

    Rotation is a good practice because it helps drivers extract the most mileage from their tires .

  3. 轮胎换位的方法通常有交叉转换方法、流通、同轴换位转换法和混合转换法等。

    The method of tire transposition usually have cross transition method , circulation , coaxial transposition conversion method and hybrid conversion method , etc.

  4. 轮胎定期换位能延长其使用寿命。

    Periodic rotation of tyres will result in longer tyre life .

  5. 哪里是最好的地方,可以用合理的价格做轮胎平衡换位呢?

    Where is the best place to have my tires rotated at a reasonable price ?

  6. 轮胎定期换位能延长其使用寿命。乙种换地权益书期龄轮候制度

    Periodic rotation of tyres will result in longer tyre life . Letter B Tender Vintage System