
bào tāi
  • puncture;burst;blow-out;flat tyre;have a flat tire
  1. 你好,我是托尼,我的车爆胎了,你能来接我吗?

    Hi , this is Tony , I have a flat tire , could you come and pick me up ?

  2. 我的车是怎么可呢?我想我的车爆胎了。

    There 's something wrong with my car , I think we have a flat tire here .

  3. 一辆南行的卡车爆胎并撞车了。

    A lorry travelling south had a blow-out and crashed .

  4. 一辆货车爆胎了,向他们猛撞了过去。

    A lorry blew a tyre and careered into them

  5. 这辆车爆胎了。

    The car tyre blew .

  6. 堵车、爆胎等情况会耽误他更多时间。

    A traffic jam , flat tyres , etc.can delay him further .

  7. 为了使爆胎充气点火引信的电源满足小型化、高能量密度和使用周期长等技术要求,以P!5A4为材料设计了一种压电陶瓷电源。

    In order to meet the demand of the smart , high energy density and long lifetime for the burst blow ignition fuse , a type of piezoceramics power supply made of P-5A4 material is designed .

  8. 轮胎压力监测系统(TirePressureMonitoringSystem,TPMS)可以实时监测轮胎的压力和温度,当轮胎出现过压、欠压、温度过高时报警,以避免爆胎事故的发生。

    TPMS ( Tire Pressure Monitoring System ) can monitor the tire 's interior temperature and instantaneous pressure , which can alarm to avoid accidents when high-pressure , low-pressure or high-temperature occurs .

  9. 汽车轮胎压力监视系统TPMS能及时发现轮胎气压异常,避免爆胎事故发生。

    Tyre pressure minitor system TPMS can easily find out abnormal the tyre pressure and avoid burst accident .

  10. Pelz说五年前在俄亥俄汽车爆胎,一位男子出现帮他换胎。

    Pelz recounted ( 8 ) a story about a man who showed up to change his tire when he had a flat in Ohio five years ago .

  11. 轮胎气压监测与爆胎自动减速系统

    The Tire Pressure Monitoring and Vehicle Deceleration System for Tire Blow-out

  12. 爆胎汽车差动制动控制研究。

    The differential brake control of the vehicle after tire blowout .

  13. 艾尔:别忘了带爆胎装备和护头盔。

    Al : Don 't forget your puncture outfit and crash helmet .

  14. 爆胎是高速公路上的一种常见事故形态。

    A common accident on the highway is tire blowout .

  15. 当我的汽车爆胎时,我曾失望。

    I used to get upset when I had a flat tire .

  16. 只要路上不发生爆胎,改道。

    If no accidents occur on the way , like punctured tyres .

  17. 汽车轮胎爆胎预警系统的研制

    Research and Development of Tire Burst Early-warning System for Vehicles

  18. 上学途中,我的前轮爆胎了。

    On my way to school , my front tire blew out .

  19. 但是去机场路上他爆胎了。

    And he blew a tire on the way to the airport .

  20. 我想是爆胎了。

    Oh . I think it 's a blown tire .

  21. 车子在高速行驶时爆胎后一直在路一滑行。

    The car skidded all over the road after a high speed blowout .

  22. 爆胎充气点火引信的压电电源

    Piezoelectric Power Supply of Tire Burst Blow Ignition Fuse

  23. 保险公司的理赔范围不包括爆胎引起的轮胎本身损失。

    The insurance company does not include tire destruction due to tire explosion .

  24. 轮胎爆胎预警系统数据无线传输的实现

    Achieve of Tyre Burst Early-warning System Wireless Data Transmission

  25. 嘿有人打电话说爆胎了吗她打的

    Hey there . Someone call about a flat tire ? She did .

  26. 爆胎使我们耽搁了几个小时。

    Haying flat tyres delayed us for several hours .

  27. 用于爆胎汽车轨迹跟随的驾驶员模型研究。

    The research on the driver model for trajectory following of the vehicle .

  28. 在我国因为轮胎爆胎而导致事故发生的占很大比例。

    Large proportion of accidents are caused by the burst in our country .

  29. 目的探讨爆胎与高速公路交通事故的相关性。

    Objective To discuss the correlation between tyre bursting and traffic accidents on highways .

  30. 7号车爆胎了,轰木秀!

    Number 7 is loose ! Shu Todoroki !