
  1. 阳光穿过婆娑的树影,爆米花的味道飘香,孩子们的笑声在空气里回荡。她们享受着眼前的这一切。

    They enjoy the sunlight as it dances in the treetops , the smell of popcorn , and the laughter of children .

  2. 观众可以闻到爆米花和热狗的味道,也可以嗅到与感受到草皮的存在。

    Viewers could smell popcorn and hot dogs , and they could smell and feel the turf .

  3. 我闻到爆米花以及糖煮苹果的味道,倾听音乐的演奏和游乐团团员的喧叫,我也试尝了冰糖。

    I smelled the popcorn and candied apples , I listened to the music , the shouting of the carnival people and I tasted sugar candy .