
  • 网络Roller Skating;rollerblade
  1. 离合式轮滑鞋替代固定式轮滑鞋的可能性研究

    Research on the Possibility of Clap Roll Skate Instead of Stationary One

  2. 然后呢。他们把我的钱包、轮滑鞋和领带都抢了。

    Yes . They took my wallet and my skates and my tie .

  3. 所以,把轮滑鞋给我。

    So j -- give me your skates .

  4. 不要穿上轮滑鞋

    Do not put on roller skates .

  5. 为了应对这种不景气的局面,巴黎旅游局设立了一个个“微笑大使团”。周日,旺多姆广场上还有数百名穿着轮滑鞋的人组成了一个巨大的笑脸。

    As if to heed its call , hundreds of roller-skaters formed a giant smile in Place Vendome in the city center on Sunday .

  6. 然后,等到北京的生活回复正常,他再接着穿轮滑鞋去上班&戴着他的防毒面具,如果有必要的话。

    Then , when life in Beijing returns to normal , he plans to resume skating to work & with his mask , if necessary .

  7. 使天气更加异常的因素:另外一种热带天气模式有点象穿着轮滑鞋的厄尔尼诺,被称为季内震荡。

    The fly in the ointment : another tropical pattern that is a bit like El Ni ñ o on roller blades . It 's called the Madden-Julian Oscillation .

  8. 轮滑看起来有点像常规的单排轮滑鞋,不过轮滑的轮非常大,尺寸大小跟自行车车轮差不多,看起来像是溜冰鞋,滑雪板和自行车的合体。

    Wheel skates look somewhat like regular inline skates , except that the wheels are much larger , up to the size of bicycle tires . They are seen as a cross between an inline skate , a ski , and a bike .