
lún biān jiǎn sù qì
  • Wheel reducer;hub reduction gear
轮边减速器[lún biān jiǎn sù qì]
  1. 基于ANSYS的轮边减速器行星架的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Wheel Reducer Planetary Frame Based on ANSYS

  2. 再谈NW轮边减速器优化设计兼述人机交互式的可行性与优越性

    Discussing the optimal design of NW Decelerator on wheel side again Moreover presenting the feasibility and superiority of interactive computing

  3. 基于遗传算法的两级轮边减速器可靠性优化

    Reliability Optimization of Double-Stage Wheel Hub Reducer Based on Genetic Algorithm

  4. 地下自卸汽车轮边减速器混合离散变量优化设计

    Mixed Discrete Optimal Design of Wheel-side Speed Reducer for Underground Dump Trucks

  5. 汽车轮边减速器钟形减振穴的设计研究


  6. 工程机械轮边减速器的模糊优化设计

    Fuzzy optimization of final drives for construction machines

  7. 装载机轮边减速器计算机辅助优化设计与实体装配造型

    A Computer Aided Optimizatiom and Solid Assembly Modeling for Reductor Gears in Wheel Loader

  8. 矿用自卸车轮边减速器模糊可靠性的优化设计

    Optimal design of the fuzzy reliability of wheel reductor of the mine dump truck

  9. 装载机轮边减速器正交试验优化设计

    Orthogonal Testing Optimum Design in Loader Wheel-side Reducer

  10. 基于载荷下的汽车轮边减速器太阳轮齿向误差的研究

    Research for the wheel teeth to the error based on the load side of Auto-wheel reducer

  11. 汽车轮边减速器

    The Reducer Beside the Wheels

  12. 外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器

    Spur geared wheel reductor

  13. 轮边减速器作为重型车辆驱动桥传动系统的末端传动装置,具有减速增扭的作用。

    As an end transmission of the driving axle in heavy vehicles , wheel-side reducer is capable of reducing speed and generating large torque .

  14. 通过模糊可靠性理论与优化设计理论的结合,建立了轮边减速器齿轮传动的模糊可靠性优化设计模型。

    By the combination of fuzzy reliability theory with optimization theory , a fuzzy reliability optimal mathematical model of gear transmission in wheel-side reducer is established .

  15. 轮边减速器的优化是装载机传动系统优化的第一步,也是重要的一步。

    The optimization of the decelerator on a wheel-side is the first and an important step toward the optimization of a loader in its driving system .

  16. 矿用自卸汽车液压系统及其机构的研究矿用自卸车轮边减速器模糊可靠性的优化设计

    The Research of Hydraulic System and Mechanism for Off-high Way Dump Truck ; Optimal design of the fuzzy reliability of wheel reductor of the mine dump truck

  17. 本文利用模糊可靠性基本理论对装载机系统进行了模糊可靠性分析,并对装载机轮边减速器的齿轮传动进行模糊可靠性优化设计。

    This paper , based on the fuzzy reliability theory , carried a fuzzy reliability analysis of the wheel loader system and the fuzzy reliability-optimization design of gearings in its wheel-side reducer .

  18. 针对轮边减速器优化设计模型中离散变量与连续变量共同存在的特点,提出可行枚举法与遗传算法相结合的求解方法。

    The solution method of feasible enumeration method combined with genetic algorithm is proposed based on the characteristic of discrete variable and continuous variable in the optimal design model of the wheel reducer .

  19. 装载机轮边行星减速器接触疲劳强度的模糊可靠性设计

    Fuzzy reliability optimal design of contact-fatigue strength for wheel-side planetary reducer in wheel loaders

  20. 由于从汽车发动机传到汽车轮子上的转速较快,该越野车采用X型四轮驱动系统,所以必须设计一个轮边减速器进行第2次的减速以及改变驱动轴扭矩的方向。

    Because of the fast speed from the engine to the wheel , the cross country automotive used X type four-wheel drive system . It needs a reducer beside the wheels to decelerate speed for the second time and change direction of the torque from the driven shaft .