
  • 网络google news;Google New
  1. 伦敦——谷歌新闻(GoogleNews)即将告别西班牙。

    LONDON - Google News is saying goodbye to Spain .

  2. 伦敦&谷歌新闻(GoogleNews)即将告别西班牙。

    LONDON & Google News is saying goodbye to Spain .

  3. 你也许宁愿信任软件,让谷歌新闻(googlenews)网站的算法来选择最重大的新闻故事。

    You may prefer to put your trust in software and let the algorithms at Google News choose the most important stories .

  4. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)的数据显示,39%的美国人使用Facebook来获取政治新闻,远远超过使用雅虎新闻(YahooNews)、谷歌新闻(GoogleNews)或者Twitter获取政治新闻的人数比例。

    According to the Pew Research Center , 39 per cent of Americans use Facebook for political news - significantly more than the proportion who use Yahoo News , Google News or Twitter to do so .

  5. 比如,SimilarWeb的数据显示,西班牙《世界报》(ElMundo)每月通过谷歌新闻获得的流量仅占1.3%,而通过搜索获得的流量比例却高达34%。

    The Spanish newspaper El Mundo , for example , receives just 1.3 percent of its monthly traffic from Google News , compared with 34 percent from search engine queries , according to SimilarWeb .

  6. 在西班牙关闭谷歌新闻服务的同时,谷歌还决定从其全球新闻聚合产品中去除所有西班牙出版商的内容,包括《国家报》(ElPaís)。这是谷歌首次因法律原因关闭聚合服务。

    As part of Google 's decision to shut Google News in Spain , which is the first time the company has taken down its aggregator service for legal reasons , it will also remove all Spanish publishers , including El Pa í s , from its global news aggregating products .

  7. 像“谷歌新闻”这样的专门的新闻网站搜集了世界各地的新闻来源。

    News-aggregation sites such as Google News draw together sources from around the world .

  8. 如果你读下印度版谷歌新闻的话,你会发现美巴关系出现问题。

    If you see Indian edition of google news you see that US-Pak having problems .

  9. 不过对部分出版商而言,谷歌新闻对于人们消费数字内容的方式,仍然起着重要的作用。

    For some publishers , however , Google News still plays an important role in how people consume digital content .

  10. 而在美国,谷歌新闻的月访客数超过2.5亿,访问量排在第30位。

    That compares with more than 250 million monthly visitors in the United States , where Google News is the 30th most-visited website .

  11. 现在,看看谷歌新闻:世界在线新闻来源,可定制用户的个人喜好。

    Now , look at Google News : a world of online news sources , which can be customized to an individual users preferences .

  12. 谷歌新闻将各种来源的新闻标题和摘要聚合起来,显示在网页上,这个网站将于12月16日在西班牙关闭。

    The website , which compiles headlines and summaries of news articles from various sources , will go dark in Spain on Dec. 16 .

  13. 因为谷歌新闻本身不赚钱(在这个网站上我们没有展示任何广告),所以这种新方式根本无法持续下去。

    '' As Google News itself makes no money ( we do not show any advertising on the site ), this new approach is simply not sustainable .

  14. “因为谷歌新闻本身不赚钱(在这个网站上我们没有展示任何广告),所以这种新方式根本无法持续下去。”

    As Google News itself makes no money ( we do not show any advertising on the site ) , this new approach is simply not sustainable . " "

  15. 多年以来,谷歌新闻一直受到报界批评,后者指称谷歌抢走了新闻网站的流量,让那些设立并运营着网上订阅服务的报社处于劣势。

    Google News has faced criticism from newspaper companies for years over accusations that it robs news sites of traffic and disadvantages those that build and run subscription services online .

  16. 尽管推特和谷歌新闻等其他服务商也拥有巨大影响力。脸书却是彻底改变人们消费新闻方式的领军人物。

    Though other services , like Twitter and Google News , can also exert a large influence , Facebook is at the forefront of a fundamental change in how people consume journalism .

  17. 在线统计公司SimilarWeb的数据显示,西班牙的谷歌新闻每月会有约350万访客,是该国访问量排名226位的网站。

    In total , Google News in Spain receives about 3.5 million visitors a month , making it the 226th most-visited site in the country , according to SimilarWeb , a digital measurement company .

  18. 一种常用策略是,通过在谷歌和新闻聚合器上获得更靠前的排序,来吸引人们阅读。

    Part of the strategy has been to achieve high rankings on Google and news aggregators so that people are drawn to them .

  19. 在西班牙之前,法国和德国等其他国家已经出台了类似的法规,即当谷歌的新闻聚合服务收录了出版商文章的部分内容时,出版商有权收取费用。

    The legislation follows similar rules in other countries , including France and Germany , that allow publishers to charge when parts of their articles are included in Google 's news aggregation .

  20. 安卓产品管理副总裁胡戈巴拉曾是操作系统团队最具代表性的公众人物之一,他曾经频繁出席谷歌的新闻发布会以及谷歌的年度I/O开发者大会。

    Hugo Barra , whose official title is vice president of product management for Android , has been one of the more public faces of the mobile operating system , appearing frequently at Google press events and at its annual I / O developer conference .

  21. 上述规定将于明年1月生效,但法律条文并未具体说明谷歌及雅虎新闻(YahooNews)等网站需要为每篇文章支付多少费用。

    The rules , which come into force in January , do not specify how much Google and others like Yahoo News would have to pay per article .

  22. 那些在其他许多网站发布的,但违背谷歌常规的新闻,在谷歌只显示一个小片段。

    That 's a departure from Google 's usual practice of just showing snippets from stories posted on thousands of other websites .

  23. 在这些许可证协议下,谷歌在其新闻部门的网站上发表来自美联社以及其他通讯社的全部新闻。

    Under these licensing agreements , Google publishes entire stories from the AP and other outlets in the news section of its website .

  24. 这将使出版商得以开始讨论谷歌等在线新闻整合商如何为链接和使用其新闻报道摘要对其进行补偿的问题。

    This would allow publishers to begin discussing how they can be compensated by online news aggregators such as Google for linking to and using excerpts of their stories .

  25. 在德国通过法律允许出版商在其文章出现在网络上时,向聚合网站收费之后,谷歌从其新闻产品中删除了许多德国新闻机构的内容,导致部分报纸的网站流量骤减。

    After Germany passed rules that permitted publishers to charge aggregating sites when their articles appeared online , Google removed many German organizations from its news product , which led to a drastic fall in online traffic to some newspapers ' sites .

  26. 谷歌在德国的新闻聚合服务可显示原创网站的文章片段和链接,不过谷歌并没有用这种服务卖广告。

    Google does not sell advertising on its German news aggregation service , which displays snippets of articles and links to the originating sites .

  27. 谷歌(Google)一名驻欧洲高管表示,谷歌正考虑对其饱受争议的谷歌新闻(GoogleNews)业务做出重大调整,以服务于一直无法通过线上业务赚钱的出版业。

    Google is considering significant changes to its controversial Google News service to aid publishers that have been struggling to make money in the online world , according to one of the company 's senior executives in Europe .

  28. 谷歌计划在西班牙关闭该网站,是为了抗议一项新法律。这项法律要求谷歌及其他新闻聚合网站,为它们所使用的内容向西班牙出版商支付费用。

    Google plans to shut the site there in protest of a new law that would force the company and other news aggregators to pay Spanish publishers for the use of their content .

  29. 另一种观点是,谷歌业务的广度意味着它让世界各地、各领域的现有公司都感到心烦——无论是被谷歌新闻(GoogleNews)惹火的报纸;

    Another argument is that the breadth of Google 's activities means it is upsetting incumbents all over the world - whether it is newspapers angered by Google News ;

  30. 谷歌英国主管马特布里廷(MattBrittin)在英国编辑协会(SocietyofEditors)会议上表示,谷歌不以新闻内容为生。

    Matt Brittin , Google 's UK director , told a Society of Editors conference that Google did not need news content to survive .