
gǔ cāng
  • barn;granary;elevators;garner;breadbasket
谷仓 [gǔ cāng]
  • (1) [granary;barn]∶贮藏粮食的木制或水泥制库

  • (2) [breadbasket]∶一个提供其它地区大部分食物、生产谷物的典型农业区

  • 这些广阔的平原是这个国家的谷仓

谷仓[gǔ cāng]
  1. J.A.史密斯写道,牛津是思想与精神生活的谷仓。

    Oxford was the granary of intellectual and spiritual life , wrote JA Smith .

  2. 本文对吴、晋青瓷堆塑谷仓罐上出现的诸多动物装饰题材追根溯源,并阐释了其文化内涵。

    This article traces decorative animals on blue-and-white granary pots and interprets their cultural connotations .

  3. 他们住在由谷仓改成的房子里。

    They live in a converted barn .

  4. 一座谷仓紧靠着农舍。

    A barn adjoins the farmhouse .

  5. 贮存去年收割的粮食的谷仓几乎空了。

    The granaries containing last year 's harvest are nearly empty .

  6. 他将谷仓装满了谷物。

    He filled the barn to the roof with corn .

  7. 公鸡追着我跑过谷仓的泥土地面。

    The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn .

  8. 谷仓里弥漫着新粪酸甜的气味。

    The barn was filled with the sour-sweet smell of fresh dung .

  9. 消防员展开水龙带,开始冲着烧焦的谷仓喷水。

    The firemen unwrapped their hoses and began dousing the scorched grain silos .

  10. 他把他的谷仓改造成了供周末旅行者居住的小屋。

    He converted his barns into cottages for weekenders .

  11. 警察漫不经心地拦着不让他们靠近谷仓。

    The constables made a desultory attempt to keep them away from the barn .

  12. 谷仓里堆满了成捆的稻草。

    The barn was full of bales of straw

  13. 他和沃克补好了谷仓顶。

    He and Walker patched the barn roof

  14. 农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。

    Farmers cut the hay , fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns .

  15. 他只得躲在谷仓里。

    He was forced to take cover in a barn .

  16. 谷仓里堆满了粮食。

    The barn was heaped with grain .

  17. 你可以把谷仓改作汽车房。

    You can adapt the barn for use as a garage .

  18. 农场的仓库都堆满了粮食,只好新盖一些谷仓。

    With its storehouses bursting with grain , the farm had to build more granaries .

  19. 那幢大房子是存放粮食的谷仓。

    That big building is a barn for keeping the grain .

  20. 谷仓很大,也很旧。

    The barn was very large . It was very old .

  21. 我们不得不把房子改建成谷仓。

    We have to alter the house into a barn .

  22. 在谷仓的地窖里,这可算一件大事情。

    This was an important event in the barn cellar .

  23. 这个建筑,用通俗的话来说就是一个谷仓

    This building is colloquially referred to as the barn .

  24. 他们通常将干草存放在谷仓中。

    They usually keep the hay in the barn .

  25. 接着,他又飞回了谷仓。

    Then he sailed back into the barn .

  26. 雨珠儿落到谷仓上面,又一滴滴地从屋檐上滑了下来。

    Rain fell on the roof of the barn and dripped steadily1 from the eaves .

  27. 这是燕子们喜欢来筑巢的谷仓。

    It was the kind of barn that swallows like to build their nests in .

  28. 谷仓从没有完全安静的时候,甚至在半夜里也还是老有响动。

    A barn is never perfectly quiet . Even at midnight there is usually something stirring .

  29. 正在家里休息的坦普尔曼急急躲进了谷仓。

    Templeton , who had been resting in his home , scuttled away into the barn .

  30. 只是她觉得谷仓里现在不那么令她高兴了——那里的人太多了。

    But she found that the barn was not nearly as pleasant — too many people .