
shuǐ lǐ
  • in the water
水里 [shuǐ lǐ]
  • [under water] 在水面下

  • 一阵风把下风甲板吹进了水里

  1. 水里的矿物质使得这水挺难喝的。

    The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink .

  2. 水里有个人大喊大叫,拼命摆动着双臂。

    A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically .

  3. 他跳进水里,头撞到了池底。

    He dived in and hit his head on the bottom .

  4. 罐子放在水里。

    The pot was sitting in a pool of water .

  5. 有人在水里乱扑腾,显然遇到了危险。

    Someone was thrashing around in the water , obviously in trouble .

  6. 潜水员从水里转入减压舱。

    Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber .

  7. 他冒险跳进水里。

    He took his chances and jumped into the water .

  8. 深吸一口气,看你能在水里待多久。

    Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater .

  9. 我把手放在水里,让小船拖着往前划行。

    I trailed my hand in the water as the boat moved along .

  10. 她没有脱衣服就跳进了水里。

    She jumped fully clothed into the water .

  11. 他冒着相当大的生命危险跳到水里去救那只狗。

    He dived in to save the dog at considerable risk to his own life .

  12. 他们说他被按到水里淹死了。

    They said he 'd been held under the water and drowned

  13. 扑通一声,有东西重重地掉进了水里。

    There was a splash and something fell clumsily into the water .

  14. 将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。

    Dip the bread briefly in water , then squeeze it dry .

  15. 这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。

    It 's a drink made by steeping pineapple rind in water .

  16. 古人认为地球飘浮在水里。

    The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water

  17. 水里有很多人在游泳或只是在戏水玩耍。

    A lot of people were in the water , swimming or simply splashing about

  18. 凯莉顺着梯子下到水里。

    Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water

  19. 我们驶进海湾,将锚抛进5英寻深的水里。

    We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water .

  20. 船桨的桨叶和水里的什么东西缠住了。

    The blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water .

  21. 利兹又笑了,从水里站起来开始擦干身上的水。

    Liz laughed again , got up from the water and began to dry herself .

  22. 他绊了一脚,双手在空中胡乱抓了几下,然后仰天栽进了水里。

    He stumbled , clawed wildly at the air and fell backwards into the water .

  23. 将面条下到水里。

    Drop the noodles into the water

  24. 鱼在水里游来游去。

    The fish swim about in the water .

  25. 彼得连同帽子把整个头都浸在水里。

    Peter dipped his whole head under , hat and all .

  26. 宝塔的影子倒立在水里。

    The pagoda is reflected upside down in the water .

  27. 游泳者在水里稍游了一会儿,但水太凉了。

    The swimmer dipped into the river but it was too cold .

  28. 他和衣跳进水里。

    He jumped into the water , clothes and all .

  29. 他在水里捞什么?

    What is he fishing for in the water ?

  30. 他们从水里打捞起那只船。

    They fished the boat out of the water .