
  1. 本章首先重新梳理都江堰的创建与发展过程,在此基础上将都江堰置于水利遗产的定义与价值评估体系之下,作者认为都江堰的遗产内涵包括主体与外延。

    When placing Dujiangyan under the water conservancy heritage value assessment system , the author believes that Dujiangyan includes subjects and extension .

  2. 本文主要是从水利遗产的角度来研究世界遗产都江堰,借此探讨水利遗产体系下的都江堰所蕴含的丰富遗产内涵、遗产价值以及保护与利用问题。

    This article focuses on the study of Dujiangyan from the perspective of water conservancy heritage , while taking Dujiangyan under the water conservancy heritage system to discuss the rich heritage , value , protection and utilization .

  3. 在对遗产类型及构成进行分析后发现,扬州古运河遗产资源分为三个类别即古运河本身的相关水利工程遗产、与古运河相关的其他物质文化遗产、运河相关非物质文化遗产。

    After analysis of the types and composition of heritage , we divide Heritage resources of Yangzhou ancient canal into three categories : irrigation heritage of ancient canal itself , other cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage that related to ancient canal .