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  1. 在自然条件因素、技术因素、社会经济及其他影响因素方面对起重运输机械选址问题进行了分析。

    In the economic , technical , environmental and social factors to lifting the mechanical addressing the question was analysed .

  2. 自然条件因素使得澳大利亚和乌兹别克斯坦棉花质量优异,具有很强的质量优势。

    The natural condition makes Australian and the Uzbekistan cotton quality outstanding . They have the very strong quality superiority .

  3. 论文的第三部分,从江西省粮食产量的发展历史着手,分析其波动特征以及相关经济因素、粮食结构因素、自然条件因素等对粮食产量的影响。

    Part ⅲ begins from the Jiangxi Province grain yield development history , analyzes how its characteristic as well as the correlation economic agent , the grain structure factor , the natural condition factor and so on influence grain yield .

  4. 河岸权在加州的适用受到加州普通法传统、自然条件等因素的影响。

    The adoption of riparian rights doctrine in California affected by a series of factors , including California ' common law tradition , natural condition and so on .

  5. 在此基础上,根据管输介质、管径、设计压力、自然条件等因素,结合几种常用钢管的优缺点,确定管型;

    On this basis , to determine types of pipe combine with advantages and disadvantages of several common pipes as per medium of pipe transmission , pipe size , design pressure and natural conditions , etc.

  6. 同时,由于商品资源分布、需求状况以及运输条件和自然条件等因素的影响,使得在同一区域内的不同地方建立物流中心,整个物流系统和全社会的经济效益并不相同。

    At the same time , because of the influence of different commodity resources distribution , demand conditions , the conditions of transport and natural conditions , establishing a logistics center in different places will have different influence on the whole society and the economic .

  7. 国际干散货航运市场作为世界经济和贸易的派生需求,行情常常受到世界经济波动、政治事件、自然条件等因素的影响,干散货航运企业也因此增加了经营风险。

    As other cargo transporting market , the international dry bulk cargo shipping market which is engendered by the world 's economy and international trade , is influenced by world political event , economic fluctuation and natural factors , it increases the business risks of shipping enterprises .

  8. 通过综合应用基于GIS的缓冲区分析、多层面的复合分析等空间分析方法,揭示了该地区乡村聚落的空间分布受自然条件与人为因素影响的基本特征。

    Many basic characteristics of how the distribution of the rural settlements is affected by both nature and economic factors are found by means of many GIS based data processing methods .

  9. 然而重庆市由于受自然条件、经济因素等原因的影响,机械化程度一直踩着全国的尾巴。

    But under the shadow of natural conditions and economic factors etc , it 's very difficult to speed Chongqing agro-mechanization .

  10. 湖北省十堰市是南水北调中线工程的水源区,由于自然条件和人为因素,该市是湖北省水土流失最为严重的区域。

    Shiyan City in Hubei Province is the water sources area of the Middle Route Scheme of the South-North Water Diversion Project .

  11. 经济的发展、人口的增长、政府规划以及自然地理条件等因素是福州市土地利用发生变化的主要原因。

    The development of economic , the growth of population , the government 's planning and the geographic environment are the main reasons .

  12. 黄土暗穴的稳定性不仅与黄土自身的工程地质特性有关,而且还与各种自然条件及人为因素有关。

    The stability of loess hidden holes not only relates to the engineering geology characteristics , but to all kinds of natural conditions and human factors .

  13. 对内蒙古草原放牧条件下碳收支状况的研究表明,冷蒿-小禾草草原受自然条件和人为因素双重作用存在由碳库(积累碳)向碳源(释放碳)转化的可能性。

    Data from the experiment suggest that Artemisia frigida-short bunchgrass steppe may shift from carbon sink to carbon source due to the dual influences of climate change and anthropogenic activities .

  14. 目前,中国农业还是弱质产业,受到土地资源和自然条件等诸多因素的影响和制约。

    Currently , the agriculture of China is still the industry of weakness , and it has been influenced and restricted of much factors , such as field resources and natural conditions .

  15. 这一时期欧俄农民农业生产技术没有发生根本性改变,加之自然气候地理条件因素的影响,农业生产依然非常落后。

    In this time agricultural technology had not have the fundamental change in European Russia . And with the influence of natural climate and geographical qualification , the agricultural production was still in backward .

  16. 同时具体分析了影响水生态系统服务功能的自然条件和政策因素,探讨了将水生态服务功能研究与水资源管理结合在一起的方法和途径。

    And the paper also analyzes the natural condition and political factors that influence the water ecosystem service function , and studies the ways and route that combine the research about water ecosystem service function and water resource management .

  17. 塔里木灌区地处新疆南部,由于自然条件及人为因素的影响,现有耕地中、低产田面积近60%。究其原因,地下水位高,潜水排泄不畅,土地盐渍化。

    The irrigated area of Tarim lies in the south of Xinjiang . The moderate and low yield fields account for nearly 60 % of the total farmland , because of natural condition and anthropic factors , water logged , groundwater not well discharged , soil alkalization .

  18. 中国的贫困首先是区域性贫困,自然条件恶劣,地理因素的限制,是中国贫困存在的主要因素。

    Above all , poverty of China is poverty of region where natural conditions and regional factors are very bad .

  19. 大连地区受自然条件及多方面因素影响,水资源利用率较低,缺水问题严重。

    For the effect of natural condition and many other factors , the utilization of water resources is very low and the problem of lacking water is serious in Dalian area .

  20. 由于自然条件恶劣等多因素综合作用,经济发展水平参差不齐,总体较低,是贫困面广的欠发达地区。

    Due to synthetical factors such as worse natural conditions , it is not even a developing district of extensive poverty , and the level of economy development is not uniform .

  21. 土家族人具有黄色人种的基本特征,由于局部自然地理条件和气候因素的影响,土家族人的体质容貌特征呈现中国南方人向北方人过渡类型趋向。

    Tujia people have the basic characteristics of the yellow race . But affected by local natural and geographical conditions and climatic factors , their physique and appearance are the transitional type from the southerners to the northerners .

  22. 国际航运市场易受政治、经济、供需、自然条件等多方面因素的影响,以致运费价格产生剧烈波动,这给航运运输和相关企业的经营决策带来了很大困难。

    The international shipping market vulnerable to political , economic , supply and demand , natural conditions and other factors , so that the freight prices fluctuate , which brings great difficulties to the shipping transportation and related business decision .

  23. 药味与五源有着密切关系,药物的生长情况基本相同,但由于药物生长与自然条件、生态环境因素相互作用、相互制约,也就是各自依赖五源的成分强弱不同产生了药味。

    The tastes of medicine have a close relation with the five elements . However , the growth of drug and natural conditions , ecological environment factors affect and restrict each other . It produces different drug tastes because of each of five elements ' ingredient is different .

  24. 影响农民收入增长的原因固然很多,既有经济、文化和自然条件等方面的因素,也有体制性方面的障碍,但只有从体制上才能寻求解决农民收入增长问题的治本之策。

    There are many reasons for affecting peasantry income increase . Some because of economy , culture , nature condition and so on , also because of obstacle to system side . But only from system can search for the essential way to solve the problem of peasantry income increase .

  25. 根据自然保护区的资源保护需求、自然条件、社会因素、经济可行性和有关法律法规及方针政策,确定三门峡黄河湿地公园建设和发展的总目标和总体规划。

    According to the protection of natural resource requirements and natural conditions and social factors and economic viability and relevant laws and regulations and policies to determine the sanmenxia the wetland park construction and development of the general objectives and the overall planning .