
  • 网络free phrase
  1. 四字骈语是在形式和意义上都有独特性的一种四字格结构,是一种介于成语和自由短语之间的成分。

    Four word parallel phrase is a unique four word structure both in form and in meaning . It is an element between idioms and free phrases .

  2. 简述英语复合词与自由短语和成语的关系在美国橄榄球联赛开赛时,也可以用这个短语。

    A brief talk on interrelation between English compounds and free phrases , idims ; This term is also used for the beginning of an American football match .

  3. 类固定短语介于固定短语和自由短语之间,很难将它们截然分开,因此限定研究对象是考察工作展开的前提。

    The quasi-fixed structure is situated between the fixed structure and the free structure , clearly separates very difficultly them , therefore the definition object of study inspects the premise which the work launches .

  4. 自由的短语输入能够支持短语、单词以及这些单词和短语的无限制组合,从而执行尽可能精确的搜索。

    The key here is the freeform phrase input that enables you to support phrases , words , and unlimited combinations of those words and phrases together to make the search as precise as possible .

  5. 词素、词、固定词组、成语、习惯语、俗语、谚语等形式属语言单位,自由词组、短语、句子、语段、语篇等形式属言语单位.楼盘名称包含了丰富多彩的形式单位。

    The morphemes , words , set phrases , idioms , and sayings etc. are linguistic units , while the free word groups , phrases , sentences , syntagms and discourses are the speech units .