
  • 网络ventures
  1. 除了现有的股东外,如基准资本(Benchmark),谷歌风投(GoogleVentures)预计也会参与投资。

    Google ventures also is expected to participate , alongside certain existing shareholders like benchmark .

  2. 该公司还正式宣布,它已经获得了来自谷歌风投(GoogleVentures)和Foundry集团的小额种子风投。

    It also formally announced a small round of seed funding from Google ventures and foundry group .

  3. 但TPG与谷歌风投都拒绝发表评论。

    Both TPG and Google ventures declined to comment .

  4. 谷歌风投(GoogleVentures)是谷歌的风险投资部门,负责把资金投给各种公司,包括蓝瓶咖啡(BlueBottleCoffee)和按需租车服务Uber。

    Google Ventures , the company 's venture capital arm , has invested in diverse companies including Blue Bottle Coffee and Uber , the on-demand taxi service .

  5. 今天上午,AllThingsD也报道了TPG和谷歌风投参与投资的消息。

    Allthingsd also is reporting the TPG and Google ventures involvement this morning .

  6. 你们最新的投资者包括谷歌风投,他们的团队中恰好有Gmail最初的开发人员。

    One of your new investors is Google ventures , whose team happens to feature the original creator of gmail .

  7. 获得谷歌风投公司(GoogleVentures)融资支持的Gyft还向那些早已购买塑料礼品卡的用户提供一些额外的功能。

    Backed by Google ventures ( GOOG ) , gyft offers a few additional features to those who have already purchased plastic gift cards .

  8. 迄今为止,该公司已筹集了逾80亿美元,投资者包括Benchmark和谷歌风投(GoogleVentures),以及高盛(GoldmanSachs)和TPGGrowth等大型金融机构。

    To date , the company has raised more than $ 8 billion from investors including Benchmark and Google Ventures , as well as large financial firms like Goldman Sachs and TPG Growth .

  9. 总部位于剑桥、同样获得谷歌风投支持的初创企业手机游戏平台运营商SCVNGR就是一个例子。这家公司去年秋季率先公开推出与GooglePlacesAPI整合的产品。

    As one example from fellow Cambridge-based and Google Ventures backed startup SCVNGR , the company was the first to publicly launch with integration to the Google Places API last fall .

  10. 这家公司去年秋天宣布成立Calico公司,致力于拓展健康领域的研究;同时,它的风投部门也已投资了FoundationMedicine和DNAnexus(对此谷歌风投没有回应置评的要求)。

    Last fall , it announced Calico , an effort focused on health and well-being , and its venture arm has investments in Foundation Medicine andDNAnexus . ( Google Ventures did not respond to a request for comment . )

  11. 对于像HubSpot这样的B2B公司,有谷歌风投作为投资者,便足以向业界证明其商业模式的有效性。

    For a B2B company like hubspot , including Google ventures as an investor validates our business model for Main Street America .

  12. Alphabet旗下另一家投资公司谷歌风投则专注于投资创业公司,曾投资过共享出租Uber和智能家居Nest,后者已于2014年被谷歌斥资32亿美元收购。

    GV , Alphabet 's other venture capital arm for early-stage companies , has invested in Uber and Nest , the latter of which Google ended up acquiring for $ 3.2 billion in 2014 .

  13. 理想而言,这将能使谷歌风投通过Googleplex设施增加与这些早期企业的交易流。

    Ideally this enables Google ventures to leverage the heralded facilities at Googleplex and increase dealflow for these early stage companies .

  14. 特纳和扎克o维恩伯格都是FlatironHealth公司的联合创始人。这家医疗保健技术公司位于纽约,成立才刚两年。最近它刚拿到谷歌风投(GoogleVentures)领衔投资的1.3亿美元,名噪一时。

    Along with Zach Weinberg , Turner is a co-founder ofFlatiron Health , a two-year-old healthcare technology company based in New York and best known for recently raising $ 130 million in an investment round led by Google Ventures GOOG - 1.34 % .

  15. 它的1.3亿美元B轮融资是谷歌风投第四大参投项目,也是其迄今为止规模最大的医药软件投资(谷歌风投也参投了Flatiron的A轮融资。)

    Flatiron 's $ 130 million Series B is the fourth-largest round in which Google Ventures has participated and is its largest medical software deal to date . ( The firm also participated in Flatiron 's Series A round . )

  16. 两天后传来消息,谷歌风投基金(GoogleVentures)对Uber进行了一轮大规模投资,价值约为35亿美元。【在随后的一轮融资中,富达投资集团(FidelityInvestments)对Uber的估值高达180亿美元】。

    Two days later , word came that Google , via its Google Ventures unit , had helped lead a massive investment in Uber at around a $ 3.5 billion valuation ( a subsequent round , led by Fidelity Investments , valued Uber at $ 18 billion ) .

  17. 这可能是谷歌风投与其他风投公司的巨大差异。

    This is potentially a huge point of differentiation for Google ventures .

  18. 1.独一无二的工程支持:这是谷歌风投最吸引人的地方。

    Engineering support : This is the most fascinating aspect of Google ventures .

  19. 谷歌风投的员工非常聪明。

    The folks at Google ventures are smart .

  20. 现任谷歌风投普通合伙人。

    now , general partner at Google Ventures .

  21. 谷歌风投能够加入我们的团队真是太好了。

    It was a fantastic thing to be able to get Google ventures on our team .

  22. 2009年,马里斯建立了谷歌风投,并监管着全球的投资活动。

    Mr Maris founded Google Ventures in 2009 and oversees all of the fund 's global activities 。

  23. 这也有些不同寻常,因为谷歌风投通常只投资规模较小、处于发展早期的公司。

    This also is a bit unusual , given that Google ventures typically invests in smaller , earlier-stage companies .

  24. 通过这些项目,谷歌风投试图凭借其与谷歌的独特关系,打造专有的交易流渠道。

    Through these programs Google ventures is attempting to leverage its unique position within Google and create exclusive deal flow channels .

  25. 谷歌风投正在利用其独特的地位和优势,为所投资企业提供这项必将大受欢迎的增值服务。

    Google Ventures is leveraging its unique position and strength in what is sure to be a popular value-add for its portfolio companies .

  26. 谷歌风投的执行董事比尔·马里斯在接受彭博通讯社的采访时说:人类是有可能活到500岁的。

    In an interview with Bloomberg , Google Ventures ' president Bill Maris said he thinks it 's possible to live to 500 years old .

  27. 谷歌风投的执行董事比尔·马里斯在接受彭博通讯社的采访时说:“人类是有可能活到500岁的。”

    In an interview with Bloomberg , Google Ventures ' president Bill Maris said he thinks it 's possible to live to 500 years old 。

  28. 当谷歌风投的团队首次将这些服务展现给我们的时候,我头脑里回响的是:好,好,好。

    When the team at Google ventures listed these services during our session for the first time , in my head it was : check , check , check .

  29. 更独特的是,谷歌风投最近还宣布了面向23000名雇员的1万美元初创企业推荐奖,并承诺未来将有更创新的交易流项目。

    More uniquely , Google ventures also recently announced a $ 10,000 start-up referral bonus for its 23,000 employees and has a promise of more innovative deal flow programs to come .

  30. 对我而言,最具说明力的事实是:我在整个推介期大部分时候都基本未做笔记,但在结束首次谷歌风投推介时,我拿到了好几页的反馈信息。

    The most telling stat for me is this : I took almost no notes during a majority of the trip but came out of the initial Google ventures pitch with pages of feedback .