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  1. 他与和蒙古人结成联军的唐谷特人讲和。

    He made peace with the Tanguts , who had been allied with the Mongols .

  2. 寺庙被构造过了一时期的30年,而且举例说明谷美尔人和印度的艺术一些最美丽例子。

    The Temple was constructed over a period of 30 years , and illustrates some of the most beautiful examples of Khmer and Hindu art .

  3. 美国太平洋时间周日凌晨3点20分,加州湾区遭遇了25年来最严重的地震。地震造成加州纳帕谷多人受伤、建筑受损。

    The most serious earthquake to hit California 's Bay Area in 25 years struck at 3.20am pacific time on Sunday morning , injuring people and damaging buildings in Napa Valley .

  4. 按说我应该是晒得黑黑的,像运动员,比方说,排球运动员啦,啦啦队长什么的,或许应该具有与住在阳光之谷的人相称的所有特点。

    I should be tan , sporty , blond a volleyball player , or a cheerleader , perhaps all the things that go with living in the valley of the sun .

  5. 王翚(1632~1717),字石谷,常熟人,虞山画派的巨檗(擘)。被尊为中国画史上的第二位“画圣”。

    Wang Hui ( 1632 ~ 1717 ), with adult name as Shigu , born in Changshu , a giant of Painting of Mount Yu School , had been honored as the second'Painting Sage ' .

  6. 臧与谷两个牧羊人,他们都因疏忽而丢失了一些羊。

    As sheepherders , Zang and Gu lost some sheep due to their neglect .

  7. 国际地质灾难协会在本月的更新信息中写道,“这里的年均人口增长率为6.5%,而且城市密度位于世界最高之列;在这种情况下,住在加德满都谷的150万人明显面临着严重而且越来越大的地震风险。”

    In an update just this month , GeoHazards wrote , " With an annual population growth rate of 6.5 percent and one of the highest urban densities in the world , the 1.5 million people living in the Katmandu Valley were clearly facing a serious and growing earthquake risk . "