
  1. 膨化谷物饮料的加工工艺研究

    Research on the production technology of the expanded grain beverage

  2. 以玉米为原料,开发研制具有独特焦香风味的谷物饮料。

    A cereal drink with unique burnt flavour is developed with corn as the main material .

  3. 糙米、大豆发芽富集γ-氨基丁酸及复合谷物饮料的研究

    Study on the Enrichment Conditions of γ - aminobutyric Acid Content in Germinated Brown Rice or Soybean and Compound Grain Beverage

  4. A食品饮料有限公司(以下简称A公司)是一家专门致力于绿色食品饮料开发及生产销售的专业化食品生产企业,主要产品为谷物饮料、功能型饮料等各种饮料。

    A food and beverage Co. , LTD ( A Company for short ) is a specialized food production company involved in green food and beverage . Its main productions are grain beverage , herb beverage , functional beverage and et al .

  5. 发酵谷物胚乳饮料的开发及工艺过程

    The exploitation and technological process of fermented grain embryo drink

  6. 中国对欧盟出口最多的农产品有:水产品、水果、蔬菜、非食用畜产品等劳动密集型的农产品,其他的如乳制品、谷物、饮料等却严重依赖从欧盟进口。

    For its largest exports to EU are : aquatic products , fruits , vegetables and labor-intensive products like non-food live stocks , etc. .

  7. 造成高血压的最重要因素之一,是西方饮食中盐的含量偏高,不但有我们用调味瓶添加的盐,还有隐藏在预包装食品和饮料(比如早餐谷物和运动饮料)中的盐。

    One of the biggest contributors to high blood pressure is the large amount of salt in western diets , not only what we add from the shaker but what is hidden in prepackaged foods and beverages such as breakfast cereals and sports drinks .

  8. 花生蛋白粉可用于肉类制品、谷物焙烤制品、饮料、冷食以及副食品、调味品和休闲食品。

    The peanut meal could be used in meat and cereal roasted products , beverage , flavouring and cold drinks and shacks .

  9. 麦芽:一种谷物产品,在饮料和食品中用作发酵基质或用于增加香味和营养价值。

    Malt : Grain product used in Beverages and foods . Malt provides a Basis for fermentation and adds flavour and nutrients .

  10. 现在,一些谷物早餐、果汁饮料甚至是水饮料中都被商家加入了钙质。

    It is now built into such things as Kellogg 's Coco Pops , breakfast bars such as the Frosties Cereal and Milk bar , some Tropicana orange juices and even a calcium-enriched water called Danone Activ .