首页 / 词典 / good


rónɡ chǒnɡ
  • be in sb.'s good graces
  • imperial/gracious favor
荣宠 [róng chǒng]
  • [be in sb.s good graces] 禄位和恩宠

  • 备受荣宠

  1. 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。

    I shall wear no crowns and win no glory .

  2. 不封地,不生子.我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠.我将尽忠职守,生死于斯.

    Hold no lands , father no children . I shall wear no crowns and win no glory . I shall live and die at my post .

  3. 在清朝,连公主们都在阿哥的风头下黯然失色乏人问津,这样的荣宠,实在是难以想象。

    In the Qing Dynasty , even princesses have been eclipsed under the Elder brother 's thunder little interest , such Jung , it is hard to imagine .

  4. 单凭陛下要“再来一次”,已经使演员们深受荣宠,这对他们已经是足够的报酬,再用不着满足他们的虚荣,烦劳陛下费神去重看一遍了。

    The company would feel sufficiently rewarded and complimented in the mere fact that the encore was desired by his Majesty , without fatiguing him with a repetition to gratify their own vanity .

  5. 他的智慧不可能因缺乏咨议而陷于窘迫。他的仁爱也不可能使本要赞美上帝施予万物之神圣慷慨的人因其自身所受荣宠不及而心生怨尤。

    It was not the part of His kindly love that he who was to praise Gods divine generosity in regard to others should be compelled to condemn it in regard to himself .

  6. 通过细读文本,我认为这种政体的原则并非表面上所说的荣宠,因为荣宠也受制于法律,所以法律才是这种政体的真正驱动力。

    Through reading between lines , I argue that honor is not the principle of this government , since honor is restricted by laws , therefore laws is the prime mover in this form of government .