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  1. 明清时期,徽州考中的进士数量之多,为他郡所不及,这是徽州区域一个较为突出的人文现象。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties , huizhou exceeded other regions in its number of jinshi , which was an outstanding cultural feature of huizhou .

  2. 徽州古民居建筑中的人文精神

    The Humanistic Spirit in the Architecture of Ancient Houses of Huizhou

  3. 徽州传统聚落生成环境研究

    The Research on Generative Environment of Traditional Vernacular Settlement in Huizhou

  4. 建筑装饰&徽州木雕艺术探索

    Building decoration artistic exploration in initial stage of Huizhou Wood Statue

  5. 试论明清徽州宗族的道德教化

    The Ethical Enlightenment of Huizhou Clans in Ming & Qing Dynasties

  6. 徽州区洪涝灾害特点及防治对策

    Characteristics of flood disaster in Huizhou District and the relevant measures

  7. 道家思想对徽州建筑文化的影响研究

    Study on taoist ideology influence of the cultural in Huizhou architecture

  8. 徽州海盗商人胡胜

    Investigation into Hu Sheng , a pirate merchant of Huizhou district

  9. 由徽州古民居建筑装饰引发的思考

    Reflection Arising from Architectural Decoration on Ancient Civilian Residence in Huizhou

  10. 徽州乡土思想资源与理学的乡土化

    Native Thought Resources of Hui Studies and the localization of Neo-Confucianism

  11. 徽州园林的地域特征与可持续开发的思考

    Reflections on the Regional Characteristics and Sustainable Development of Hui Gardens

  12. 浅析徽州非物质文化遗产的保护与发展

    On the Protection and Development of the Huizhou Immaterial Cultural Heritage

  13. 明清徽州宗族与徽州教育发展

    Huizhou clans and educational development in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  14. 徽州传统建筑砖雕中的灰塑工艺研究

    A Study on the Clay Sculpture in Huizhou Traditional Brick Carving

  15. 徽州建筑以其浓郁的地方特色自成一派。

    Huizhou architecture forms another architectural class with its strong local characteristics .

  16. 徽州民居美学特征的探讨

    Discussion on the aesthetic features of the ancient houses in Hui Zhou

  17. 徽州私撰家谱与公修族谱的差异

    The difference between privately-written pedigree and publicly-written clan pedigree in Huizhou prefecture

  18. 徽州园林重视叠山理水。

    Huizhou gardens lay stress on the building of hills and waters .

  19. 徽州传统学术文化的传播及其特点

    Diffusion of Traditional Academic Culture in Huizhou and Its Characteristics

  20. 唐宋之际徽州重税考

    The Study on Huizhou Heavy Taxes between the Tang and Song Dynasties

  21. 旅游发展背景下的徽州文化遗产保护模式研究

    Research Concerning Huizhou Cultural Heritage Protection Pattern Relying on Tourism Development Background

  22. 珠山八友中的徽州人及其艺术影响

    Huizhou Artists in Eight Friends of Zhushan and Their Influence

  23. 徽州民居是中国民居建筑体系中一种独立形态。

    Huizhou residential architecture is an independent form in Chinese residential system .

  24. 析徽州水口园林的现代特征

    On the Modern Features of Huizhou Drainage Opening Botanical Garden

  25. 徽州古村落环境艺术简析

    Brief Analysis of Environmental Arts of Ancient Villages in Huizhou

  26. 论徽州民居装饰的审美特征

    On Aesthetic Features of Ornament on Civilian Houses in Huizhou

  27. 徽州民间歌谣的押韵特征

    Characteristics of the rhyme in the ballads in Huizhou district

  28. 一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州

    One Spoony Place in the Whole Life , Only Huizhou without Dreaming

  29. 徽州古村落绿化树种配植与造景的研究

    Study on the Tree Species Arrangement and Landscaping in Huizhou Ancient Villages

  30. 明清时期徽州地区宗族势力对节烈妇女的控制

    Huizhou Patriarchy 's Control on Woman Chastity in Ming and Qing Dynasty