
  1. 北宋靖康元年(1126),金军攻占北宋都城开封。次年二月,废宋徽、钦二帝,北宋灭亡。

    The 1st year of Jingkang ( 1126 ) saw the conquest of Kaifeng , the Northern Song capital , by the Jin army . In 1127 , Emperors Huizong and Qinzong were deposed , ending up the Northern Song .

  2. 北宋军队在丞相李纲的指挥下,击退了金军,暂时制止了金国的南侵,但由于徽、钦二帝的无能,一心想与金国求和。

    Under the direction of Li Gang , the chancellor of the Northern Song , Jin was defeated and was detained to march southwards for a while . However , the Emperors of the Northern Song were not resolute to fight , instead , they sent emissary to seek negotiation with the Jin .