
  • 网络great site;great ruins
  1. 大遗址、遗迹动态保护规划初探

    On the Dynamic Conservation Programming in Great Ruins and Traces

  2. 大遗址遗迹保护问题研究

    Finding a Way to the Question of Conservation of Great Ruins & Traces

  3. 大遗址保护的PRED协调发展案例与模式&基于汉长安城的实证与思考

    PRED coordination development of chang ' an City relics of Han Dynasty

  4. 陕西省大遗址旅游项目BTO融资模式及风险控制研究

    Study on Financing Mode and Risk Management of BTO for Shaanxi Relics Tourism Project

  5. 陕西大遗址保护与可持续利用研究

    The Research on Sustainable Utilization of Great Site in Shaanxi Province

  6. 环境保护&大遗址保护的可持续发展基点

    Environmental protection : basis of sustainable development of great site protection

  7. 基于博弈论的大遗址保护区政府与居民搬迁行为分析

    Game analysis on the residents ′ relocation of Great Site

  8. 大遗址保护规划中基础文物信息采集与管理方法初探

    Basic informatin acquisition and management for protection planning of large cultural relics

  9. 陕西省大遗址旅游项目开发的融资模式研究

    The Finance Pattern Research of Shaanxi Provincial Big Relics Tourism Project Development

  10. 大遗址价值评估与遗产保护研究可以遵循一定范式。

    Posing the initial model of the evaluation of the great site .

  11. 中国大遗址保护规划与技术创新简析

    Analysis of the Conservation Planning and Technological Innovation of Chinese Great Sites

  12. 大遗址可界定为具有重要价值的大面积文化遗存。

    The great site is kinds of cultural relics .

  13. 塔里木盆地三大遗址群的兴衰与环境变化

    The abandonment of three major ancient ruins groups and environmental change in Tarim Basin

  14. 文物大遗址是指占地面积较大,具有较高历史价值的文物遗址。

    Large heritage remains refers to a large area with high historical value heritage remains .

  15. 本文对大遗址可持续利用的理论问题作了深入探讨,试图构建大遗址可持续利用的完整理论框架。

    In this paper the theories of sustainable utilization of great site are explored deeply .

  16. 梦想辉煌:建设我们的大遗址保护展示体系和园区&关于我国大遗址保护思路的探讨

    Brilliant Hope : Construction of Our System and Field of Protection and Display of Large Sites

  17. 大遗址的文化价值、经济价值分异探讨&汉长安城案例

    The Analysis of Cultural Valuation and Economic Valuation in the Han Chang'an City with Heritage Tourism

  18. 大遗址的保护与利用

    Protection and Use of Great Ruins

  19. 中国东南地区大遗址保护的可行性方法&以江苏为例

    Feasible Methods to Conserve the Great Sites in Southeast China : A Case Study of Jiangsu Province

  20. 试论西安近郊文物大遗址区的经济发展对策

    On the economic development Countermeasures of the great historic relic areas in the suburbs of xi'an city

  21. 大遗址保护中的弹性规划策略研究&基于雍城遗址保护的思考

    The Application of Elasticity Planning Strategy In large sites Protection & Based on The Yong Cite Site Research

  22. 所以大遗址具有较高的历史价值和科学研究价值,同时很多大遗址还具有较高的艺术价值。

    So big relics possess higher historical value and science research value , as well higher art value .

  23. 目前,大遗址保护是我国文化遗产保护工作中一项重要课题。

    At present , the protection of our cultural heritage site is the work of an important issue .

  24. 位于现代经济较发达的城市区域的大遗址正在城市化的高速发展中面临历史上最广泛、最严重的破坏和威胁。

    Large Remains in developed urban areas are in face of destructions and threats due to the rapid urbanization .

  25. 陕西的大遗址是构成陕西丰富历史文化遗产的重要组成部分,也是全人类的宝贵财富。

    The great sites in Shaanxi are important part of its plentiful historic heritage and precious wealth of the world .

  26. 尊重大遗址保护中的民生要求&以中国东南地区的江苏为例

    Respecting the Requirement of People 's Livelihood in Great Sites Conservation : A Case Study of Jiangsu Province in Southeast China

  27. 温故求新:促进大遗址保护的科学发展&大遗址保护思路再探

    Review & Renovation : Promoting the Scientific Development of Great Sites Conservation : Re-exploration of the Thoughts of Great Sites Conservation

  28. 高速的城市化和城市更新使得处于城市边缘的大遗址在保护与城市发展之间产生明显博弈。

    High-speed urbanization and urban renovation bring conflicts to Chang ' an city relics be - tween the protection and development .

  29. 大遗址的保护利用是我国历史文化遗产保护领域的前沿和难点。

    The protection and utilization of great site is a new and difficult problem in the filed of historic heritage protection .

  30. 大遗址保护中聚落搬迁研究&以汉长安城为例

    An Study of Villages Movement in Preservation of Large Historic Cites & On the Case of Han Chang ' an City