
  1. 建筑装饰&徽州木雕艺术探索

    Building decoration artistic exploration in initial stage of Huizhou Wood Statue

  2. 明清美术史上一颗灿烂明珠&徽州木雕

    Huizhou Woodcarving : a Bright Star in the Art History of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  3. 并且分类分析了徽州木雕的内容及其所蕴含的文化内涵。

    And from the contents of the Huizhou woodcarving classification analysis contains the cultural connotation of Huizhou woodcarving .

  4. 徽州木雕与徽州社会、徽州地理、徽州商人、中国传统思想、美术、文学、民俗文化都有着血脉联系。

    There has very close ties between Huizhou woodcarving and Huizhou society , Huizhou merchants , geography , Chinese traditional thought , art , literature , folk culture .

  5. 徽州木雕作为中国木雕艺术中极具影响力的代表之一,同样遭遇着种种考验,许多优秀的徽州木雕都遭受到了破坏。

    Huizhou woodcarving as wood carving art of China , was one of the most influential among the same suffering a variety of tests , many excellent huizhou woodcarving had suffered damage .

  6. 尝试论述了徽州木雕形成的文化背景、挖掘了徽州木雕形成的徽州历史、地理、徽州宗族、徽商等地区文化因素。

    Try the paper discusses the formation of Huizhou woodcarving culture background , the formation of the Huizhou woodcarving historical , geographical , Huizhou clans , Huizhou and other regions and cultural factors .

  7. 4通过徽州木雕与多种艺术形式的比较,如汉代画像石、木版画、戏曲、小说,使得徽州木雕的艺术特点更加清晰。

    The Lastly , by Huizhou woodcarving and the comparison of a variety of art forms , such as the Han dynasty stone , wood engraving , drama , fiction , makes the Huizhou woodcarving art characteristics clearer .

  8. 徽州木雕艺术作为珍贵的古典民居文化遗产,它的产生与蓬勃发展受徽州浓厚的文化底蕴的熏陶,集美学价值、历史价值、社会价值于一体。

    As the precious classical cultural heritage of local-style dwelling houses , the production and flourishing development of wood carving art are immersed in strong cultural color of Huizhou , incorporating aesthetic value , historical value , and social value into an organic whole .

  9. 徽州木雕艺术的文化思想观念集中表现为以儒家文化为主导的中国传统文化和徽州民间民俗文化的相互糅合。

    2nd , the Huizhou woodcarving concentrates the commingle expression for the China traditional culture , which primarily refers the Confucianism culture , and mutually Huizhou folk custom culture . 3rd , the esthetic sense of the Huizhou woodcarving is in favor of general pleasance of the folk .

  10. 徽州古民居木雕门窗的装饰特色研究

    Research on Decorative Features of WoodCarving Doors and Windows for Huizhou Ancient Folk Houses