
kōng dǒu qiáng
  • rowlock wall
空斗墙[kōng dǒu qiáng]
  1. 空斗墙采用钢板网片加固试验及应用

    Experiment and application of rowlock Wall Strengthened with expanded metal lath

  2. 一种地方性围护结构的做法、适应性和推广的可行性&浙江金华、温州地区空斗墙

    Method , adaptability and popularization feasibility of a local exterior-protected structure & Rowlock wall in Jinhua and Wenzhou of Zhejiang Province

  3. 通过试验研究结果和理论分析,提出了HPFL加固空斗墙墙体抗剪承载力的计算公式。

    Through the experimental result and theoretical analysis , the capability of seismic shear formula of the row-lock cavity wall strengthened with HPFL is presented .

  4. 最后,本文提出了经HPFL条带加固空斗墙的抗剪承载力的计算公式,公式计算结果与试验结果吻合良好,可供加固设计人员在实际工程中参考使用。

    At last , a formula of the row-lock cavity wall strengthened with HPFL is presented to predicting the carrying capacity of seismic shear . The formula coincides well with the experimental results , can be used in practice projects .

  5. 本文做的主要工作如下:本文通过2组对比试件和3组用HPFL加固的空斗墙试件在分级加载下的轴压试验,研究了HPFL对空斗墙砌体的抗压加固效果。

    The key work performed in this paper are as follows : According to a compressive strength test acted on grading load using three groups of strengthened specimens and two groups of compared specimens , this article analyzes the compressive property of row-lock cavity masonry strengthened with HPFL .

  6. 浙江文成地震村镇空斗墙建筑震害分析

    Earthquake Damage Analysis of Building with Cavity Wall in Wencheng Earthquake

  7. 空斗墙砌体结构检测与非线性有限元动力分析

    Testing and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis on Cavity Wall Structure

  8. 空斗墙房屋抗震性能及加固的试验研究

    Studes on the earthquake-resistant capability and the strengthening of cavity wall buildings

  9. 空斗墙作为一种承重结构,在南方部分地区,特别是偏远农村地区较为常见。

    Row-lock cavity wall is a load-bearing structure and is often used in parts of south China , especially remote rural areas .

  10. 但是我国现行的相关规范标准未涉及空斗墙砌体,故对其受力性能研究并不多。

    However , it is not covered by the current code in our country and there are few studies on its mechanical performance .

  11. 空斗墙砌体作为一种特殊的砌体结构,由于其造价低廉,我国很多农村地区建房都采用这种结构。

    As a special masonry structure , cavity wall masonry is well accepted in rural areas of our country due to its low cost .

  12. 但是,建设空斗墙砌体结构的相关标准却未被列入我国现行的规范中,因此对这方面的研究也相对较少。

    However , the construction of cavity wall masonry is not included in the current relevant standard , so research in this area are relatively small .

  13. 空斗墙是我国的一种传统墙体,自明代以来已大量用来建造民房。

    Rowlock cavity wall is a traditional Wall of our country , which has been largely used for the construction of Residential housing since the Ming Dynasty .

  14. 由于建造和使用时的种种原因,空斗墙结构房屋往往出现砌筑砂浆强度很低的情况,尤其是在广大农村地区。

    Because of the various reasons of the construction and use , the row-lock cavity wall usually has the low-strength mortar especially in the vast rural areas .

  15. 但是,对于广大农村地区的空斗墙房屋的加固研究很少,上述的建议公式又不能很好的符合此类情况。

    However , they do little research for row-lock cavity wall strengthening research in rural areas . The formula that they advanced are not consistent with such cases very well .

  16. 空斗墙砌体结构作为一种比较特殊的结构形式,由于其施工简便、造价低廉,因而长久以来在我国许多经济发展水平相对较低的地区得到广泛的采用。

    Cavity wall masonry structure is a kind of special structure , because of its simple construction , low cost , so long in many of our relatively low level of economic development are widely used in many areas .

  17. 同时根据试验结果,提出了适合高性能复合砂浆钢筋网条带加固空斗墙砌体结构抗剪承载力的建议经验公式,可供加固设计人员在实际工程中参考使用。

    Depending on the test results , the paper proposed a shear strength empirical formula which is suitable for high-performance ferrocement reinforcement rowlock cavity wall . This empirical formula is reference use to reinforcement design in the actual project .