
  • 网络hollow tree
  1. 它发生在一个大的空心树的地方。

    It takes place in a large hollow tree .

  2. 筹集一千美元没让他遇到什么困难,但是扛棵空心树使他的疝气发作。

    He has no trouble raising the thousand dollars , but he gets a hernia carrying the hollow tree .

  3. 秋天的颜色刚开始出现在Vista中光在水箱空心树在晚上萨斯奎汉诺克州立森林公园,波特县,宾夕法尼亚州2010年9月18日。

    Fall colors just begin to appear in the trees in the evening light at Water Tank Hollow Vista in Susquehannock State Forest , Potter County , Pennsylvania on September18th , 2010 .

  4. 小熊帮爸爸从古老的空心树上采蜂蜜。

    Small Bear helps Papa get honey from the old bee tree .

  5. 第二天,彼得做的头一件事是给温迪、约翰和迈克尔量身材,好给他们几个找合适的空心树。

    One of the first things Peter did next day was to measure Wendy and John and Michael for hollow trees .

  6. 中空的墙;空心树;凹陷的脸颊;他的脸日渐憔悴和凹陷。

    A hollow wall ; a hollow tree ; hollow cheeks ; his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year .

  7. 这只浣熊是在德国的科隆动物园,当时它正在寻找空心树希望能有地方避雪,结果就卡住了。

    It had been in search of a hollow tree to hide from the snow at Cologne Zoo in Germany when it became lodged .

  8. 在福建粒肩天牛是杨树的新害虫,杨树受害后形成空心树,遇风折断,严重影响杨树的生长及材质。

    A. germari is the new pest of poplar in Fujian . After damaged , poplar will become hollow tree , and even break in the wind . They seriously affect growth of poplar and its material quality .

  9. 即使到了现在,从山坡上残存下来的古老的橡树林和错落不齐的树林带上,从为牧场遮荫的许多空心树上,都找得到当年情形的痕迹。

    Even now , traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes , and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures .

  10. 在铺着草皮的地下,田鼠正在地洞里呼呼大睡,猫头鹰则在沼泽地深处的—棵空心树里蹲着,兔子、松鼠、狐狸都呆在家里。

    The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod , the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp , the rabbit , the squirrel , and the fox have all been housed .

  11. 小男孩藏在一棵空心的树里。

    The little boy hid inside a hollow tree .

  12. 赎金条上让我父亲把一千美元放入新泽西的一棵空心的树里。

    The ransom note says for my father to leave a thousand dollars in a hollow tree in New Jersey .

  13. 关于户外干式空心电抗器的树和匝间短路问题的探讨

    Study about Trees and Between Turn Short Circut of the Outdoor Dry-type Aircore Reactor