
  • 网络retread;tire retreading;tyre retreading
  1. 简要介绍了轮胎翻新工艺,及其通用设备和技术指标。

    Briefly introduces new process of producing retread tire and general equipment and technical target .

  2. 我公司供应出口轮胎翻新设备,内销轮胎翻新设备;

    My company supplies tire retreading equipment exports , domestic tire retreading equipment ;

  3. 轮胎翻新是轮胎业发展循环经济的必然选择。

    The tire retreading is the necessary choice of tire industry developing cycle economy .

  4. 从翻新企业角度分析汽车轮胎翻新单位收益;

    On the point of retreading enterprises , the paper analysis the unit economic efficiency of automobile tires .

  5. 通过分析比较国内外轮胎翻新的技术差距,指出本文研究的另一个意义在于提高国内轮胎翻新水平。

    And then , the dissertation analyzes the technology gap between domestic and foreign refurbishing tires industry , claiming another aims of the article-improving the domestic tyre retreading technological level .

  6. 轮胎翻新是目前极为常用也是行之有效的处理旧轮胎的方法,是一个解决废旧轮胎污染问题和节约资源的绿色环保产业,也是轮胎工业中不可或缺的重要一环。

    Tyre retreading , nowadays the most efficient and commonly used way dealing with used tyres , is an environmental-friendly industry , orienting in solving tyre-pollution and saving resources . It is also a necessity to the whole tyre industry .

  7. 综合介绍国际上轮胎翻新行业所研发的电子脉冲、电磁波、超声波、X光、激光检验设备,以及检验胎体、轮胎隐形缺陷情况的技术进展。

    Relates to the apparatus studied and developed tire retreading industry in the world such as electronic pulse , electromagnetic wave , ultrasonic wave , X - ray and laser inspection equipment , and the technical progress on carcass and tire hidden defect inspection .

  8. 主要研究内容如下:首先,本文从轮胎翻新行业的意义,发展历史和废旧轮胎翻新原理着手,指出轮胎翻新可以带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益。

    Following are the main ideas of every chapters . Firstly , this dissertation begins with the value and development of the retreading tyre industry , as well as the theory of retreading tyre . It shows tremendous social benefit and economic benefit of industry .

  9. 爆裂轮胎非法翻新竟然赚七倍

    Illegally Recapping Burst Tires Makes 7 Times money

  10. 那些是新轮胎还是翻新的旧轮胎?

    Arer those new tyres or retreads ?

  11. 这辆装载在参加密苏里州宗教节日的美籍越南人,由于爆胎而冲向栏杆,检查人员称此轮胎是非法翻新的。

    The bus carrying Vietnamese-Americans to a religious festival in Missouri , smashed into a guardrail after blowing a tire that safety inspectors say was an illegal retread .

  12. 随着汽车工业及高等级公路的飞速发展,车辆轮胎将具有较高的需求量,其中大部分废旧轮胎可以进行翻新再次被利用。

    As the automobile industry rapid development of high-grade highways , tyre will have a high demand , most of them discarded tires can be refurbished to be used again .

  13. 如何使翻新轮胎能够达到与新胎基本相等的里程数和安全性,是轮胎翻新的关键所在。

    So here is vital problem - how to make sure the retreaded tyres are as well as new tyres in security and mileage .