
  1. 论文在总结国内外电力系统和飞机供电系统数字仿真研究的基础上,以恒速恒频交流供电系统为研究对象,利用Saber仿真软件对系统的建模和仿真方法进行了研究。

    Based on the digital simulation of power electronics and power supply system in both home and abroad , this paper makes a thorough study on the system modeling and simulation technique of a Constant Speed Constant Frequency system using Saber .

  2. 电信枢纽楼交流供电系统建设中应注意的问题

    Cautions on AC Power System Construction in the Telecom Center Building

  3. 电子仪器的交流供电系统抗干扰技术

    The Alternating Technology of Power Supply System of Interference Rejection of Electronic Instrument

  4. 计及电气化铁路两相交流供电系统不对称性的输电网实用故障计算方法比较研究

    Comparison of fault calculation methods for transmission network considering unsymmetrical two-phase railway power supply system

  5. 通信电源系统由交流供电系统、直流供电系统和接地系统组成。

    Communication Power Supply System by AC power supply systems , DC power supply system and ground system components .

  6. 船用交流供电系统电容漏电流自动测量补偿方法

    A Method for Automatic Measurement and Compensation of Drain Capacity Current of AC Power Supply System in Ship 's Application

  7. 本篇论文第一章研究了城市铁路供电系统(包括直流牵引供电系统和交流供电系统)的构成和运行方式。

    In the first chapter , studying the structure and running performance include the DC traction power supply and AC power supply system .

  8. 中频逆变器作为交流供电系统的组成部分,广泛地运用在航空、船舶和机车等领域。

    As part of the AC power supply system , medium frequency inverter is widely used in the field of aviation , shipbuilding and vehicles .

  9. 针对目前部队飞机维护、修理以及试验中没有专用信号源的情况,设计了基于单片机的航空交流供电系统测试信号源。

    This paper presented the design of testing signal generator for aviation AC power supply system based on SCM to provide the power supply for the military aircrafts .

  10. 在飞机电气系统中,随着电力电子装置的广泛应用,交流供电系统的电能质量问题受到越来越多的关注。

    The electronic equipment is widely applied to aircraft electric power system , so power quality problems in AC main power supply system cause more and more attention .

  11. 随着我国电网的发展和铁路建设的需要,电气化铁路采用了两相交流供电系统直接并入电力输电网的牵引模式。

    Along with the development of railway and power grid , a new traction mode , so called two-phase AC traction power supply mode , is adopted in China .

  12. 在阐述二极管泵电路工作原理的基础上,针对某型飞机交流供电系统,提出了一种不稳定故障保护器的设计方法,并给出了具体的硬件电路。

    Based on working principle of pump circuit , this paper offers a design method of generator instability fault protector for AC power supply system of a certain airplane and gives the specific hardware circuit .

  13. 从用电负荷统计、供电方案确定、设备选型原则、智能监控必要性等几方面阐述在枢纽楼交流供电系统建设中应考虑的几个问题。

    The article mentions cautions on AC power system construction in the telecom center building form the following aspects : charger statistic , power solution , equipment selection principle and the necessity of intelligent controller .

  14. 第二章主要介绍了一下交流供电系统部分潮流计算原理和方法,并对城市铁路供电系统网络的潮流计算方法进行了分析和介绍。

    In the second chapter , introduce power flow calculate principle and method in the AC power supply system , then introduce and analysis the power flow calculating method of the urban railroad power supply net .

  15. 航空交流供电测试系统信号源的设计

    Design of aviation AC power supply system signal resource based on SCM

  16. 以此为基础,本文基于VC++2005.Net软件开发平台,研发了交流牵引供电系统运行仿真软件TractionPowerSimulator1.0。

    Net software development platform , AC traction power supply system simulation software has been developed .

  17. 整流型牵引负荷功率因数低,谐波含量丰富,其单相独立性又通过牵引变电所在系统中造成负序电流,形成了交流牵引供电系统的三大技术课题。

    The three main technic subjects of AC traction supply system origin the characters of rectification traction load : low power factor , abundant harmonics and negative sequence current for its single phase independence .

  18. 在链式网络结构的基础上,分别建立了基于供电臂、变电所及整条线路的交流牵引供电系统仿真通用数学模型,并给出了相应的潮流计算方法。

    By the chain network structure , universal simulation models of AC traction power supply system have been established based on the power section , substation , and the entire line , of which the corresponding flow calculation methods have been given .

  19. 众所周知,AC交流电源的供电系统在应用过程中便会引入谐波电流。

    Power supplies connected to AC mains introduce harmonic currents in the utility .

  20. 一种新型交流分布式供电电源系统技术研究

    Research on AC Distributed Power System Integration Technique

  21. 多导体模式下的交流牵引供电仿真系统的研究

    Simulation of AC Traction Power with Multi-conductor Model

  22. 对低压供电系统的中性点接地和不接地系统进行比较分析,阐述交流移动电站供电系统的特殊性及降低接地电阻值的措施。

    Analyzed neutral earthing and no earthing system of low-voltage supply system , expounded characteristic of AC mobile electric power plant supply system and reduced methods of earth resistance .

  23. 铁路站段用交流不间断电源供电系统

    The Power Supply of AC Uninterruptible Power System for the Railway-Station