
  • 网络restricted channel
  1. 通过船舶在限制性航道(宽32m,水深2.5m)的航行试验,研究了500t和300t船队航行时的船周回流速度与船体下沉。

    From test of model ship in the restricted channel with the width of 32 m and depth of 2.5 m , the backflow velocity around the ship and the ship sinkage is studied in case the ship ( fleet ) of 500 t or 300 t is passing by .

  2. 关于深水、浅水与限制性航道界定的探讨

    Discussion on Defining Deep Water , Shallow Water and Restricted Channel

  3. 限制性航道船周回流速度与船体下沉研究

    Study on return current around ship and ship sinkage in a restricted channel

  4. 从《内河通航标准》看某些特殊限制性航道水深的确定

    Consideration of depth definition of special restricted channel from navigation standard of inland waterway

  5. 根椐特殊限制性航道&中间渠道和渡槽的运行特点,推求出其宽度的计算方法和结果。

    According to the characteristics of special restricted channel ( namely , the intermediate channel and agueduct ), the calculation method and results of standard width of channels are deduced .