
  • 网络Limiting voltage;clamping voltage
  1. 结果表明:当烧端温度为850℃,保温时间15min时,产品的限制电压比最小。

    The results show that the least clamping voltage ratio can be acquired when firing temperature is 850 ℃ and soak time is 15 min.

  2. 氧化锌压敏电阻器工频过电压耐受性能与限制电压关系的研究

    Research for the Relationship between Power Frequency Over-voltage Withstanding Performance and Clamping Voltage of ZnO Varistor

  3. 片式ZnO压敏电阻烧端工艺对限制电压比的影响

    Chip Multilayer ZnO Varistors : Effect of Termination Firing Process on Clamping Voltage Ratio

  4. 通过对烧端工艺中不同烧端温度以及保温时间的试验,研究了它们对片式ZnO压敏电阻器限制电压比的影响。

    The effect of temperature for terminal electrode firing and soak time on the clamping voltage ratio was investigated .

  5. 应用试验结果证实,所研制的电阻器具有响应速度快,限制电压低,温度特性好,通流能力大等优点。

    The measuring results have shown that the varistors developed have many advantages of fast responding , low limiting voltage , good temperature behaviour and great flux density .

  6. DC-DC变换器的输出电压及功率传输效率被限制。电压举升技术是电子电路设计中的一种常用方法。

    Because of the effect of parasitic elements , the output voltage and power transfer efficiency of DC DC converters are limited .

  7. 最后,分析了励磁调节器输出限制对电压稳定的影响。

    Finally , the effect of excitation regulator output limit is studied .

  8. 采用自动调谐补偿装置限制过电压

    Utilizing the arc suppressing resonance compensator with automatic tuning to restrict overvoltage

  9. 氧化锌压敏电阻具有优异的电气物理特性,在限制过电压等领域有着十分广泛的应用。

    MOV has been used in many areas such as overvoltage restriction due to its excellent electric physical characteristics .

  10. 文章强调,限制过电压的各种措施互相配合,互相补充,构成一个有效的限制过电压的整体;

    It is emphasized that the effective limitation of overvoltages should be achieved by a proper combination of various means , which supplement one another .

  11. 针对近几年来陕西省电力系统集合式并联电容器频频出现的事故,研究限制过电压和涌流的保护措施。

    In the light of faults frequently occurred on assembled shunt capacitor in Shaanxi power system , the protection measures to limit overvoltage and inrush current are studied .

  12. 通过仿真计算,研究了双馈风电机组低电压保护动作时间对机组本身和风电场运行的影响及直流环节电容容量对限制过电压的影响。

    The LVRT control principle , control model and control strategy of DFIG and D-PMSG are investigated . ( 4 ) The action time of the rotor crowbar and the dc-link capacitance capacity of DFIG are studied .

  13. 针对消除失谐或限制谐波电压含量的不同控制目标,提出了谐波磁通补偿电流的两种生成方法,补偿电流分别是滤波器电流或母线电压中各次谐波分量与调节系数的加权合成。

    Two generating methods of compensation current are also proposed for the purpose of eliminating detuning or limiting harmonic voltage contents , in which the compensation current is the weighted superposition of filter harmonic currents or voltages and the regulating factor .

  14. 受寄生元件的影响,DC-DC升压变换器的输出电压和功率传递效率受到限制,电压举升技术为改善电路特性提供了好方法。

    Since the effect of parasitic elements limits the output voltage and power transfer efficiency of DC-DC converters , voltage lift technique opens a good way to improve circuit characteristics . After long term research , this technique has been successfully applied for DC-DC converters .

  15. 特高压输电线所允许的电压升高的数值与所加电压的持续时间等因素直接相关,因此特高压输电线继电保护与相关自动装置的动作必须考虑限制过电压。

    The allowable voltage peak value of UHV transmission line is directly associated with the factors such as voltage duration and so on . Therefore , the over-voltage restraint must be concerned especially in the action of protection and its relevant controlling devices of UHV transmission line .

  16. 仿真中运用带合闸电阻的开关、RC阻容装置及其氧化锌避雷器来限制操作过电压,并取得了一定的成效。

    The switch with closing resistor , RC equipment and MOA are used to limit switching overvoltages . Certain effect is obtained .

  17. 笔者分析计算了SVC对提高系统输送能力和限制工频过电压的影响,讨论了超高压输电系统中部分应用SVC可以保证各种运行方式下的运行可靠性和经济性。

    The effect of SVC on improving transmission capability and limiting temporary overvoltage is analyzed by calculation in this paper . An idea of employing SVC partly in the EHV system is discussed to ensure reliability and economy under different operation modes .

  18. 氧化锌避雷器限制操作过电压的研究

    Study of Application of ZnO Surge Arrester in Suppressing Switching Overvoltage

  19. 可限制对地电压到相电压;

    Voltages to ground are limited to the phase voltage .

  20. 一种限制重击穿过电压的复合方法

    A Complex Method to Restrict Re-striking Over-voltage

  21. 新型可控电抗器大幅度限制操作过电压功能的研究

    Study on the Function of Suppressing Switching Overvoltage by a Big-margin with a New Type Controlled Reactor

  22. 分析了真空断路器的操作过电压产生原因,探讨了限制操作过电压的方法。

    Analysis the cause of producing operating overvoltage of vacuum circuit breaker , a method of restricting operating overvoltage .

  23. 在计算的基础上提出限制这些过电压以及绝缘配合的一些初步建议。

    On the base of the calculation some suggestions for protection from these overvoltages and insulation co-ordination are proposed .

  24. 提供了该变换器两个死区时间的设计方法,从而保证了开关电压应力限制在输入电压的一半,同时满足每个开关零电压关断的实现条件。

    The design consideration for two dead times is presented to assure that voltage stress for main switches is within half of input voltage and ZVS for each main switch is achieved .

  25. 可控高压并联电抗器(以下简称可控高抗)对于限制工频过电压和操作过电压、抑制潜供电流、进行线路容性无功功率补偿和电压控制,增强电网稳定性和提高输送能力具有重要意义。

    The Controlled Parallel Reactor is important for restricting the frequency overvoltage , the operating overvoltage and the secondary arc current . It is also important for improving the voltage stability and the transmission capacity of power system .

  26. 发变电站的接地系统的设计目标是为了保证在电力系统发生故障时,快速切断电源或者限制产生接触电压和跨步电压至人体可承受的范围来保证工作人员的人身安全。

    The goal of substations grounding system design is to ensure the power system when it is at fault , by cutting off power supply quickly or restricted the contact voltage and step voltage which maybe threat personal safety .

  27. 通过计算说明在消弧线圈中串联小值电阻可以起到限制传递过电压的作用,须注意的是电阻阻值的选取应从补偿电容电流和限制传递过电压两方面加以验算。

    In resonant neutral grounding a small series resistance in the branch of arc-extinguishing coil can play the role to limit the transferring over-voltage , and its value must be checked from two sides of transferring over-voltage and fault current .

  28. 由于主发电机的开环时间常数由发电机的结构及运行状态决定,故软起动的主要方法在于限制输出直流电压的上升速度。

    Because the open loop time constant of the main generator is decided by the construct of the generator and the operation conditions , the main aim of the soft starting is to limit the rising speed of the output DC voltage .

  29. 水溶液品种提供内阻低,但限制一伏的电压。

    The aqueous variety offers low internal resistance but limits the voltage to one volt .

  30. 本建议给出了用于限制电信线路过电压的气体放电管的导则。

    This Recommendation provides guidance on the use of gas discharge tubes to limit overvoltages on telecommunications lines .