
  • 网络reverse bias;reverse biased;back biasing
  1. 在反向偏压下,测试时所用的高频小信号频率超过一定值后,GM型探测器结电容测试值将下降。本文讨论了频率对CV特性影响的实验结果,并分析了其原因。

    Under reverse bias if frequency of small AC signal exceeds some value , the junction capacitance of Au-Si surface barrier detector will decrease .

  2. 从理论上分析了In0.53Ga0.47AsPIN光电探测器在不同掺杂浓度及反向偏压下的暗电流特性,并与研制的器件的实测结果进行了比较和讨论。

    The dark current characteristics of In_ ( 0.53 ) Ga_ ( 0.47 ) As PIN photodetectors at different doping concentrations and reverse bias voltages have been researched theoretically , and compared with the measured results of our fabricated devices .

  3. 反向偏压下ZnS(Zn,Al)蓝色电致发光二极管

    Blue electroluminescence in reverse biased zns : ( zn , al ) diodes

  4. 其光电流响应随着反向偏压的增加有明显的增大,在同等条件下其光电流响应约为商用SiPIN探测器的15倍。

    Under the same condition , the photocurrent is 15 times that of the commercial Si-PIN detector .

  5. 利用这一外延层制作了MS结发光二极管,在反向偏压下获得黄色电致发光。

    MS - junction luminescent diodes have been fabricated . Yellow electroluminescence has been obtained under reverse biased excitation .

  6. 还就反向偏压以及CMOS工艺中介质与钝化层等因素对探测器响应度的影响进行了讨论。

    The responsivity dependent on the insulated medium and passivation layers in CMOS process and reverse bias is also discussed .

  7. 数值模拟了基于电吸收调制晶体(EAM)的超短光脉冲源的输出脉冲宽度及消光比与外加反向偏压、射频信号幅度之间的变化关系。

    The characteristics of an ultrashort optic pulse source based on electroabsorption modulators are investigated by means of numerical simulations .

  8. 在反向偏压100V下,样品的反向漏电流小于10-10A,说明样品的反向特性良好。

    Under a reverse voltage about 100 V , the reverse leaky current is below 0.1 nA .

  9. 利用pn结反向偏压时的电容特性推导了有效杂质浓度随深度分布的计算公式及突变结和线性缓变结的1/(C2)-V和1/(C3)-V关系图。

    The formula for calculating the effective impurity concentration in the abrupt junction , the linearly graded junction and the random junction is deduced by using the capacity characteristics obtained when the reverse bias are applied to the p-n junction .

  10. 该DLTS峰在反向偏压为3V时有一极大值,说明n-In0.25Ga0.75N层此时全部被耗尽。

    At the reverse bias of 3 V , the DLTS peak amplitude reaches a maximum , which indicates that n In 0.25 Ga 0.75 N layer is depleted completely .

  11. 零偏下器件在280nm时的峰值响应为0·022A/W,在反向偏压为1V时,峰值响应增加到0·19A/W,接近理论值。

    Under zero bias , the peak responsivity of the device is about 0.022A / W , and it increases to 0.19A/W under 1V reverse bias .

  12. 当正向偏压大于6V时,用肉眼可以观察到可见的电致发光,但在反向偏压下探测不到光发射。

    Visible electroluminescence from the devices can be seen with naked eye when a forward bias greater than 6V is applied , while no light emission can be observed under reverse bias .

  13. 针对在DFB-LD/EA集成光源小信号调制响应曲线低频段观察到的异常起伏,测量了DFB-LD的强度噪声谱,比较了不同反向偏压下EA调制器的调制响应。

    To explain the peaks observed in the low frequency range of the modulation response of the integrated light sources , we measured the relative intensity noise spectra of the DFB LD and the modulation response of the EA modulator at different reverse biases .

  14. 分析表明,在较低的正向偏压和反向偏压下,电流输运机制分别为Schottky发射和欧姆输运电流;而在较高的正向偏压下,Frenkel-Poole发射和空间电荷限制电流两种机制共同作用。

    The analysis shows that Schottky emission mechanism and ohmic conduction contribute to the current in the film under the lower forward biases and the lower reverse biases respectively , while the current is induced mainly by Frenkel-Poole emission mechanism and space-charge-limited current under the higher forward biases .

  15. 反向偏压下的压控颜色可调谐聚合物电致发光

    Color Tunable Polymer Light-emitting Diodes Based on Heterojunction under Negative Bias

  16. 反向偏压下有机阱结构器件的激子离化的研究

    Study on the Excitons Dissociaton of Organic Quantum Well Stuctures Induced by Reverse Bias Voltage

  17. 蓝光强度与黄光强度的比值随着反向偏压的增加而增加。

    The ratio of intensity of blue to yellow emission increases with the growth of negative bias voltage .

  18. 大量沾污也会使二级管电流随反向偏压的增加而呈现反常的增大。

    The presence of a large density of contaminant causes anomalous increases in the diode current with increasing reverse bias .

  19. 结果表明,相对理想情形,特性曲线的反向偏压区漏电因深能级隧穿偏大;正向小偏压下因沿着位错汇聚金属产生漏电流;

    It is found that in the backward voltage segment of the I-V curve the leakage current is larger because of deep-level-assistant tunneling ;

  20. 位移电流的机理只对反向偏压或要维持空间电荷层所需要的非常弱的正向偏压条件下的电容器才有用。

    The displacement current mechanism is operative only for capacitors under reverse bias or very weak forward bias conditions which maintain a space-charge layer .

  21. 与传统发光二极管只在正向偏压下实现电致发光不同,该器件在正、反向偏压下都实现了电致发光。

    Unlike traditional LEDs which realize electroluminescence ( EL ) only under forward voltages , this heterojunction realized EL both under forward and reverse voltages .

  22. 研究了各种反向偏压和强脉冲光照对a-Si:H太阳电池性能的影响。

    The performance of α - Si : H solar cells was studied under vari - ous reverse-biased voltages and intense irradiation of light pulse .

  23. 针对雪崩二极管反向偏压电路中高纹波的问题,本文设计和分析了一种高效的低纹波偏压电路,实验结果表明,该方法有效抑制了纹波电压。

    To solve the problem of high ripple in the bias voltage circuit , a high efficient circuit with low ripple is designed and analyzed which restrains the ripple effectively .

  24. 实验结果表明,电流放大倍数β与退化时间的平方根呈线性关系;不同的反向偏压下,退化的速度也不同。

    Experimental results show that the current gain exhibits a linear relationship with the square root of the stress time , and that the current gain degradation varies with different reverse bias of base-emitter junction .

  25. 双极膜是一种由阴离子交换层和阳离子交换层构成的特殊离子交换膜,它在直流电场反向偏压下可以将水以最低的理论电压解离成氢离子和氢氧根离子。

    Bipolar membrane is a special ion-exchange membrane comprising a anion-exchange layer and a cation-exchange layer . It can dissociate water molecules into protons and hydroxyl ions with the lowest theoretical voltage drop under reverse bias in a direct current electric field .

  26. 反向偏压下器件获得发光的原因是高场强使得能带高度倾斜,高度倾斜的结果使得载流子的注入势垒变得足够薄从而被载流子隧穿,从而导致载流子的注入和复合。

    The reason of the capability of heterojunction device can be operated at reverse bias voltage is that enough high electric field leads to the tilt of energy band , then the tilt of energy band makes the injection barrier thin enough to be injected by carriers through tunnel .

  27. 进而使用单片机控制D/A转换器输出,通过改变变容二极管反向偏压调整边缘振荡器的振荡频率,实现共振信号的自动搜索和跟踪。

    Then it takes a single chip microcomputer to control the D / A converter , and adjusts the frequency of the marginal oscillator by changing the reverse bias to the varactor diode , and so it can realize the automatic search for the NMR signal and autotracking it .

  28. 反向小偏压时,器件的磁电导随着磁场也是先迅速增大(0-40mT),但达到最大值后却又逐渐减小。

    Reverse bias , the magnetic conductance of the device as the magnetic field is the first increases rapidly ( 0to40mT ), but gradually decreases after reaching the maximum .

  29. 尚未观察到反向击穿现象,可能原因是,在一定的反向偏压下的离子脱嵌使得它由部分氧化态(导电态)转变为还原态(绝缘态);

    The possible reason is that the conducting partial oxidized state is reduced into insulating reduced state un-der the applied reverse bias .