
  • 网络antiferroelectric ceramics
  1. 反铁电陶瓷选用Pb(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3相图中位于反铁电-铁电相界附近,正向相变电场小于40kV/cm的锆锡钛酸铅。

    Antiferroelectric ceramics are selected by the material near the boundary of the antiferroelectric-ferroelectric phase , and forward switching field less than 40kV / cm .

  2. 可以看到反铁电陶瓷在脉冲电场诱导下发生了相变。

    Pulse electric field forced phase transition in antiferroelectric ceramics are in investigated .

  3. 用高温X射线衍射法和示差热分析法研究了形状记忆反铁电陶瓷中的相变。

    Phase transformations in antiferroelectric shape memory ceramics were studied by means of high-temperature X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry .

  4. Pb(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3反铁电陶瓷场诱相变性能的改进

    Electric field induced antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase transition of pb ( zr , sn , ti ) o_3 ceramics and tailoring of properties through composition modification

  5. 探讨了掺铌Pb(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3反铁电陶瓷中,组份变化对晶体结构及电场诱导反铁电-铁电相变性能的影响。

    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effect of compositional variations on the crystal structure and corresponding transition from antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase by electric field in niobium_ doped Pb ( Zr , Sn , Ti ) O 3 ceramics .

  6. 形状记忆反铁电陶瓷的相变及有关的形状变化

    Transformation and Related Shape Change in Antiferroelectric Shape Memory Ceramics

  7. 采用电滞回线方法和偏置直流电场中叠加小交变电场方法研究了锆钛酸铅反铁电陶瓷材料在强电场作用下的介电行为。

    The dielectric behaviour of antiferroelectric lead zirconate titanate has been studied by measuring the polarization and capacitance changes with the electric field .

  8. 反铁电多层电容器陶瓷材料的研究

    Antiferroelectric ceramics for multi-layer capacitors