
  • 网络Reverse diode;Backward diode;Inverse Diode;back diode
  1. 反向二极管(单隧道二极管)。可显示或隐藏管壳。

    Backward diode ( unitunnel diode ) . Envelope can be shown or hidden .

  2. 带有反向并联二极管的E类调谐功率放大器的分析

    Analysis of class E tuned power amplifier with antiparallel diode at switch

  3. 本文给出带有反向并联二极管E类调谐功率放大器的一般分析方法。

    A general approach to analysis of class E tuned power amplifier with anti-parallel diode at switch is presented .

  4. 通过分析换流器IGBT器件的开关特性,并考虑反向并联二极管的影响,推导出IGBT损耗与电压、电流、结温、死区时间等参数的关系式。

    By analyzing the switching characteristics of IGBT and the anti-parallel diode , the functions of IGBT losses with voltage , current , junction temperature and dead time are derived .

  5. 本文对标量网络测试系统使用频率的扩展进行了研究,主要阐述了利用反向并联二极管对进行谐波混频的原理和利用该原理设计谐波混频器。

    In this paper , it is discussed the frequency expanding method of the SNA test system through using the harmonic mixer .

  6. 最后研究了两种新型的预失真器:二次混频预失真器和直接级联反向并联肖特基二极管对预失真器,并对后者进行了一定的改进。

    Last we present two new pre-distortion , a pre-distortion using twice mixing operation and linearizer using anti – parallel Schottky diodes which are directly connected with PA.

  7. 详细介绍了谐波平衡理论,反向并联的二极管对平衡式倍频原理,和非线性传输线倍频原理。

    The theory of harmonic balance method , balance frequency multiplier by two anti-parallel connection diodes and NLTL ( Nonlinear Transmission Line ) frequency multiplier are discussed in detail .

  8. 在引脚VS增加一个反向的续流二极管与地相连,抑制负过冲,保证高边驱动芯片不会烧毁。

    By adding a reverse diode connected to ground , the chip will not burn any more .

  9. 使用硼铝二氧化硅乳胶源研制出反向快恢复整流二极管,其反向恢复时间trr≤5μs,反向耐压>1000V。介绍了该器件的结构特点及扩散工艺。

    Using colloid SiO 2 source with boron and aluminum , the fast reverse recovery diode was made . Its t rr is shorter than 5 μ s and the inverse voltage is higher than 1000 V. The structure features and diffusive techniques are described in the paper .

  10. 三倍频器的核心采用反向并联变容二极管对。

    Varactor diodes constituting anti-parallel pairs structure is used to achieve the tripler .

  11. 需要提取的参数包括:反向饱和电流,二极管的理想因子,串联电阻和并联电阻。

    Extract parameters including : reverse saturated current , diode ideal factor , series resistance and parallel resistance .

  12. 特点是采用反向击穿硅光电二极管做靶面,并用快电子扫描。

    The distinguishing feature of this plan is to adopt silicon backward photoelectric diode as target screen and to scan with fast electron .