
  • bulk sample
  1. 对于超导金属小粒子,BCS磁化率和大块样品一样在转变温度处存在突变,但在不同的自旋或尺寸下,突变值的大小不一样。

    For the same size but different spin particles , they have different spin susceptibility at low temperature .

  2. 在成功制备小块样品的熔融织构(MTG)工艺基础上,采用改进的MTG方法,制备出了高品质的适合于磁悬浮用的Y系大块样品;

    Based on the successful melt texture growth technique for synthesising small size of bulk material , we obtained large size of high quality YBCO bulk by the modified MTG method .

  3. 在大块样品中,在面分布图中可能观察不到超薄膜层。

    Ultra-thin layers may not be observed in bulk samples .

  4. 适当的时候,采集食物、饮用水、土壤和其他矿石的大块样品用来确定真菌、细菌或原生动物污染物浓度。

    When appropriate , bulk samples are collected of food , drinking water , soil , and other matrices in order to determine concentrations of fungal , bacterial , or protozoan contamination .

  5. 此方法有可能经改进成为检测大块超导样品的钉扎力密度的简便方法。

    This process has a potential to become a convenient method by further improvement to detect the flux pining force of large size superconductors .

  6. Nd基大块金属玻璃样品在室温下是脆性断裂,大约在500K时变形模式从非均匀变形转变为均匀变形,在523K以上表现出显著的塑性变形。

    The alloy is extremely brittle at room temperature and no plastic deformation . The deformation mode changes from inhomogeneous deformation to homogeneous deformation around 500 K.