
  • 网络Greenhouse film;agricultural film for greenhouse
  1. 消雾型PVC无滴大棚膜的研制和应用

    Preparation and application of eliminating - fog non-drop shed PVC film

  2. 用色素取代硬脂酸锌抑制PVC蔬菜大棚膜初期着色性

    Colorants Substituted for Zinc Stearate to Restrain the Initial Coloring of Green House PVC Film

  3. 青春野绿LDPE大棚膜专用树脂18B的开发

    Development of LDPE speciality resin for green house film

  4. 农用大棚膜消雾剂的应用、现状和发展

    Application , Status Quo and Trend of Fog Eliminators for Agricultural Films for Greenhouses

  5. 考察了七种典型农用大棚膜在广州、海南的自然老化。

    In this paper , nature weathering phenomenon of seven typical agriculture film exposed in Guangzhou and Hainan was investigated .

  6. 结构合理、性能稳定、塑化好、产量高、能耗低、分层清晰,是生产高强度、耐老化、无滴、透光、保温等多功能大棚膜、土工膜的理想设备。

    The lines are reasonable in structure , stable in performance , wonderful in plasticizing , high in productivity , low in energy consumption , which make the product clear in the interfaces between layers .

  7. 塑料大棚覆盖膜内冷凝水珠滴滑的临界角

    Study on slipping and dripping critical angle of condensation water on the Inside surface of green-house

  8. 塑料大棚蔬菜膜下滴灌技术是一种节水高产的先进灌水技术。

    Drip irrigation under mulch film ( DIUMF ) for vegetable production in greenhouse is a advance technique for water saving and high yield .

  9. 大棚无滴膜机是使塑料薄膜经过一定的物理和化学变化(其中以化学变化为主),变为柔软且具备各种实用性能的织物的生产机械。

    Awning film machine is a productive machinery , which makes the plastic film occur physical and chemical changes , become a kind of fabric which have soft and mechanical properties .

  10. 本试验结果表明,对大棚春番茄进行膜下多孔管喷灌和微喷灌比沟灌有明显的节水、增产效果。

    The results of the experiment showed that portable sprinking irrigation and porous pipe sprinkling irrigation under ─ plastic film had remarkable effect on water saving and product increase in comparision with furrow irrigation .