
rù shè diǎn
  • point of incidence
  1. 再由CCD探测器获得某次散射光的强度,利用菲尼尔公式并考虑光的吸收导出入射点光源的光强公式;

    Some certain scatter light intensity can be obtained by CCD camera , then , the incidence light intensity formulas of light source have been confirmed by Fresnel formula considering of the water absorbing .

  2. 除了在入射点附近以外,均可看到清晰的条纹。

    Sharp fringes are visible except near the point of entrance .

  3. 在入射点上,该光波被分解为下列二分量。

    At entry , this wave is split into components .

  4. 入射点掺气浓度随水垫深度的减小而增加;

    Air concentration at the point of entry increocseswith water depth decreasing .

  5. 三棱镜实验中入射点问题的讨论

    Discussion About the Problems in the Experiment of the Incidence piont of Prism

  6. 射流冲击水垫塘入射点旋涡掺气特性的研究

    Behaviour of air entrained by rollers at the point if non-aerated plunging jet entry

  7. 激光入射点和辐照方向的变换是通过电动平移台和旋转台来完成的。

    The electric displacement platform and rotating platform are used to switch the testing position and irradiating direction of the laser .

  8. 在一个入射点一条折射线与垂直于表面的线之间的夹角。

    The angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction .

  9. 进一步的数值分析表明在讨论入射点附近的偏振特性时单次散射和二次散射近似模型具有很高的有效性。

    Further quantitative analyses show that single scattering approximation and double scattering approximation are quite accurate when discussing the polarization patterns near the incident point .

  10. 在入射点运用激光接收器探测激光驻波的光强,通过光强的强弱变化就可以探测出振动情况。

    In the incident point detect the intensity of standing wave laser light using laser receiver , by the changes of the strength of light intensity the vibration situation can be detected .

  11. 在超声波探伤过程中,斜探头会受到磨损,由此会使其入射点、折射角发生改变,影响超声波探伤的准确性。

    During the operation of the ultrasonic detector the oblique probe is subject to wear , which consequently leads to the change of the incident point and the refraction angle and thus to produce some negative influence on the detection accuracy .

  12. 介绍了超声波斜探头的选择,入射点和折射角的测定方法及在超声波探伤过程中使用探头应注意的问题。

    Such aspects as the selection of the ultrasonic probe , the measuring method for the incident point and the refraction angle , and some key points for the probe during the operation of the ultrasonic detector , are all described .

  13. 模拟结果表明在切割角不太大的条件下,光程差与入射点和入射角的关系具有较好的线性,只要相关的元件参数和空间变量选取的合适,也可以得到较大的最大光程差。

    The results show that the opd versus x and I has nice linearity in the case of cut - angle being not too big , and larger maximum of opd could be gotten with suitable element parameters and spatial variables being used .

  14. 多股射流入射水垫塘点面脉动压力特性

    Characteristics of Point and Area Wall Fluctuating Pressure by Multiple Jets Impinging into Plunge Pool

  15. 目的研究在不同入射边及入射点位置条件下,将直角棱镜用作无畸变激光衰减器所需满足的条件。

    Aim To investigate the rectangular prism used as aberration - free laser attenuator under different incident conditions .

  16. 计算结果表明,斜激波入射将使入射点及其下游的壁面冷却效率降低,但是这个影响没有向上游传播。

    The cooling protection deterioration with the incidence oblique shock was apparent , which , however , did not spread upstream .

  17. 多股挑、跌流水舌作用下基岩冲刷平衡深度多股射流入射水垫塘点面脉动压力特性

    Limiting scour depth in water cushion pools produced by multiple jets Characteristics of Point and Area Wall Fluctuating Pressure by Multiple Jets Impinging into Plunge Pool

  18. 能量越高,斜入射对最大剂量点深度和90%、80%、50%及10%的深度影响越大;

    The higher the beam energy , the greater the depth of maximal dose and the isodose lines of 90 % , 80 % , 50 % and 10 % .